Betrayed World 11

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Jinzo: Ok Questions

AM: Izuku was the Son of AFO 

Jinzo: It is actually quite Common for AFO to be Izuku's Father see In the Multiverse AFO goes by Hisashi Midoriya and Inko falls in love with him but stays away to protect them because he loves them 

Iida: How can a Villain be Protective and love people 

Jinzo: Actually AFO is a Great Father in Worlds he is Izuku's Biological Father, Some he turns himself to be with Izuku and Inko without Hiding, Some he actually saves Izuku in World were Izuku is Neglected by All Might his Step Father, In some world AFO stole Izuku's Quirk because it was To Dangerous and it would have killed him because it was to Powerful for his Body, AFO might be a Villain in your World but in The Multiverse he is actually a Great Person, Remember In The Multiverse anything is Possible as you all are seeing even AFO being a Truly Nice Guy for Gives up Being a Villain to Protect and be with his Family

This made everyone shock and made All Might think 

Jinzo: Anymore Question 

No said anything 

Jinzo: Ok lets move on so this next World Izuku is actually betrayed before UA 

Nezu: What do you mean 

Jinzo: Izuku knew Everyone from Class 1-A since Birth and AFO saw Izuku being Trained by All Might so he framed him, Izuku was beaten by Class 1-A and All Might and never gave him OFA and never had a Shot to be a Hero, He disappeared and started Inventing Tech and well Found out AFO framed him he well Killed him, Saw that AFO was creating Monsters But Izuku though of something else Robots and well hired Heroes to come test them and well Killed them All 

Inko: What is my Son called in this World 

Jinzo: Sindrome this is what he looks like 

Jinzo: Now Let me show you all when he Attacks UA 

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Jinzo: Now Let me show you all when he Attacks UA 

/As we See a Giant Robot getting attacked by Heroes and Students as we see Izuku Flying above it as we then see All Might appear and Attack as the Robot smacks him to the Ground making All Might Pass out which Made the Other Heroes and Students stop as Izuku lands and starts Laughing/ 

Izuku: Ooooh Hahahah You got to love how the Mighty Have Fallen, You really hate to see it 

Katsuki: Villain you will Die 

/As we See Katsuki rush Izuku but Izuku just Points his Finger to Katsuki and catches him in a Energy Beam as Izuku Laughs/ 

Izuku: So predictable, You always start with a Right Hook Kacchan 

/This made 1-A Shocked because only 1 Person calls Katsuki Kacchan/ 

Momo: Izuku 

Izuku: Not anymore I am sindrome 

/As Izuku raises his Hand sending Katsuki to the Robot as it Targets Katsuki and sends a Laser to Katsuki and Pierces Katsuki's Chess Killing him as Izuku just looks and Shrugs/

Izuku: Oops didn't mean to do that he was supposed to be the last person I killed but Oh well

Kyoka: What Happened to you didn't you want to a Hero

Izuku: Oh After you all Beat me, All Might went back on his Word 

Uraraka: Izuku we are Sorry AFO came Clean after we did that we tried to find you but you went Missing 

Izuku: Actually I didn't, See that day it tore me apart, but I learned an important lesson, you can't count on anyone, especially your heroes and So Called Friends, So I created Weapons solded them to Villains made a Pretty Penny of Course I kept the Good stuff for myself, And well Hires Heroes and Killed them with My Robots just to make them indestructible fir this Attack 

Iida: Izuku you will turn yourself and Forgive us for Making a Mistake and you can then stay in jail while we become Great Heroes 

Izuku: I see you haven't Changed Iida you are still psychotic for thinking your Shit don't stink and this is Coming from me a Guy who Started a Hero Genocide making sure my Robot can be beat 

Momo: Please Izuku we are sorry Please Stop this

Izuku: Why Momo 

Momo: Because I Love you and I will do anything for you if you stop this Attack 

Izuku: Anything 

Momo: Yes 

Izuku: Hmmmmm Pass, Now Let's get this Attack running again 

/As the Robot starts to Move and Attack everyone as Izuku laughs as he flies up with the Body of All Might and drops him and makes him Splat on the Ground/ 

/Screen turns black/

Jinzo: Ok lets take a break 

(Hey Guys only 3 more Betrayed World then this Story is done)

(But I did really enjoy making this Book and doing it gave me a Idea, To do Theme Multiverse Stories)

(What that means is During a particular month like December for Christmas I will bring in New MHA Characters and let them Watch World that evolve around Christmas, Like them saving Christmas, Izuku becoming Santa and all that, Then When February comes around I will bring Like Izuku and the Girls of MHA and have then see a World with their Relationship with Izuku)

(Thought this would be a Neat little Idea so let me know if you would like it)

This is Jinzo Signing Out

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