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She watched the boy sweat from his forehead as he fanned himself, tugging on the front of his shirt to create a breeze. He paced around on the stage to take a breather as he wasn't done singing and she was still clapping for him, on her feet with arms in the air as she cheered. Extremely impressed with him, another little surprise she found out about him and she found it entertaining.

He was having the time of his life singing Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne and he knew every single world. The head bangs as he thrashed around like a metal rocker got her grinning from ear to ear. He looked like a real metal rocker singer from the 80s, he was just missing the big teased hair they were also known for. 

Halfway through the song was when she'd stood and began to clap, jumping at every high note he hit. The fun part of karaoke is that no one had to be a good singer to do it, it was for pure fun and entertainment. 

Dean looked to the back of the seating area over the heads of people who clapped for him to spot the girl he'd come with. it took him a little to find her, feeling like he was searching for Waldo without the red and white strips hinting who he was. She was shorter in the back as she clapped and it made him happy to see her support him. 

He inhaled, catching his breath as he could feel the heat radiate off his body and shook his hands to his sides. Getting rid of the first song jitters, he was ready for his next song he'd chosen ahead of time. No one else volunteered to go and therefore Dean had the right to go again if he wanted. Evangeline assumed he was that entertaining that people wanted to watch him more and Dean was gonna gloat in all the glory.

He rose his arm, pointing to the girl at the back and she stared back at him, suddenly feeling like someone was choking her. Dean knew she would not join him as she'd already expressed being too shy to sing along with him. As she tapped her foot on the ground, she pushed through the nerves and stepped forward.

Walking through the crowd, she kept her head low to try and go unnoticed as Dean watched her, surprised she actually came to join him. He stood still with the mic in hand, lowering his raised arm and she came to the front of the stage. Grabbing onto his arm, she hopped up on stage and kept her back to the small crowd of people. Her heart pounding as her body shook and she stood face to face with him. 

"You don't have to do this." He made sure the microphone didn't catch any of their whispered conversation even if people saw they were talking.

She lifted a hand to the side of her face. "I really don't but if you're having this much fun, I should give it a try."

A man had reached up and passed her a microphone as she'd nodded to agree singing with Dean. "The one rule about karaoke is no one is allowed to judge, no one here can sing." He chuckled as she kept her eyes on him, it was the one way that prevented her from seeing the crowd. "Just look at me and before you know it, you'll be singing louder than me."

"I kinda hate you for this and I also don't."

She held the microphone tightly in her right hand as the song began to strum. It had been turned up as Dean requested the volume be raised just a little more. He stood face to face with her, a little slanted so the people could see him as she kept directly facing him. Her anxiety was shooting through the roof as he began to tap his foot.

His head nodded as she began to nod her head along with him, following the beat as he eased her into the song slowly. He lifted the mic up. "Thunder." He shot, foot tapping. "Thunder... Thunder!"

Her smile only grew through her nervousness. 

"Thunder." He shouted, the crowd already erupting into cheers. Dean winked at her. "You got this, Sully." He whispered.

Twenty-One ~ A Dean Portman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now