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Evangeline had a very, very hard time falling asleep that night as she could only think about the kiss. More specifically; Dean. He was the sole thing on her mind and everything about him led right back to the kiss. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, the thoughts and feelings came floating right back. Almost dazed, she was overwhelmed by everything as her smile failed to disappear.

In English Class, the girl rested her head against her palm as she scribbled notes onto her sheet, her smile small but very noticeable. The book was face down on the desk as she wrote several notes, keeping the book open to mark her page.

Cheeks were a pinky blush as she woke up so energized and free, really not sure what it meant. She was extremely giddy in a way it almost annoyed some people and her heart felt warm. It tingled in a sense as happiness was all she could feel, and her emotions only continued to flood her like a waterwall.

Gloria had watched the way Evangeline sat on the floor in front of the floor length mirror doing her makeup, like she did everyday other, but that day was different. Glory saw this certain glow in her best friend that was missing the day before.

When the bell rang, Evangeline pulled her papers together and placed them into the book they were studying. Stacking them together, she lifted them up to her side and carried them out of class. Gloria had left first since she sat close to the door and wandered the hallway to find Julianna. The rest of the class making their way out one by one at their own pace.

In the hall, she hugged her books to her chest and jogged up the stairs to the second floor. The girl looked around for anyone familiar, but didn't see them and instead continued straight down the hall. She looked back and then brushed her hair aside, scattering the hall quietly. Books still hugged to her chest, she pulled the bottom of her skirt down and glanced ahead, seeing who she was looking for.

Passing by her locker, the next row of lockers along the wall was crowded by a few kids from the JV team. Averman turned away first from the locker, waving a hand through the air to Evangeline as he saw her walking. The girl took the chance to approach and smiled, walking up to all of them.


"Hey to you." Averman said, checking her out quickly.

She laughed at him and pursed her lips. Portman was quiet standing near the locker with no books in hand as he spoke to Charlie. "You got fifth period history?" Adam went on to ask her.

"Oh," She thought for a second. "Ugh, no fifth math." She remembered.

"Still stuck with Averman, I see." He joked.

"Hey!" The guy whined, causing a few people to laugh.

She lifted her head, wanting to speak with Portman during the small break. "Hey, Dean," She spoke up and Charlie quieted down, looking from Portman to Evangeline. "Can we talk about yesterday?"

"Ouuu, yesterday." Averman rubbed his hands together sheepishly.

He earned a shove into the hall from Charlie. Several peopled bumped into his shoulder as he almost was taken down the hall, but managed to come back to his friends and the girl.

"What happened yesterday?" Adam asked, glancing to their enforcer and then to the smoking hot girl. He too didn't deny she looked good, even last year she did and this year was a simple upgrade.

"Yeah, what did happen?" Charlie questioned, brows furrowed. Last he recalled, those two did not get along and every possible conversation they had, if it could be called a convo, didn't end nicely.

Dean didn't like the way his friends questioned everything because it was a matter between him and her, not them. It wasn't something he was open about because feelings and people didn't tend to mix well for him. It was bad enough he stood there looking like an idiot in front of her.

He briefly looked at Evangeline before he stared at his friends. He blinked before giving an answer. "Can we just talk later or something?...Class is gonna start."

She felt a little hurt by his answer.

Seeing his friends stare back and forth at them, Evangeline nodded with a gulp, holding her emotions back. "Sure." She nodded. "Sure, later."

With that, she turned around and walked by them, heading down the hall to her next class. She'd never walked with her head so low before and felt so many cold shoulders hit her own. In a school filled with students, most of whom she knew, she felt alone. It was like walking through a minefield, unsure if the next step was safe or not, and she proceeded with blinking eyes.

The blinking helped hold her emotions back as she didn't want to let last night go. The way he was so kind and soft, so gentle yet himself made her feel welcomed around him. Made her trust him in a sense she didn't think she could and believe everything he said. It hurt her to see him push her away the next day so suddenly and vaguely.

Charlie sucked in a deep breath, seeing the sort of tension between the two of them and he narrowed his eyes. "Don't ask me again." Dean told them and headed in the opposing direction.

"What was that about?" Adam asked.

"Beats me." Averman sighed. "She has a nice butt."

Charlie hit him, even if he did agree. "Seriously?"

"What?" He questioned, brows furrowed. "Someone had to say it."

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