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Roughly placing the red tray down onto the sliding counter, Dean had cut in line and earned many 'boos' or 'heys' by the students behind him. The sophomore hadn't cared who he cut in front of because quite frankly, he didn't know any of them. The only difference is when someone cut in front of him, then it was a problem because otherwise he saw it as a first come first serve. Even if it meant cheating his way through the line just because.

"Oh, piss off." He told them. "Go cry to your mom." He rolled his eyes at them with a spit.

Feeling empowered by his wrong doing, he waved sarcastically to the other kids and turned his back toward them. Standing further behind, actually waiting in line, his teammates shook their heads with small laughs.

Dean purposely bumped shoulders with the shorter brunette girl next to him. She looked over to see who it was and realize it was Portman. He acted as if he was in line behind her the entire time, lifting his split plate onto the counter as a woman dumped a handful of spaghetti onto it. He eyed the woman with a forced smile, thanking her as Evangeline hid her smile, seeing the way he exchanged words of thanks with the cooks.

Sometimes he was a funny guy and this was one of those times where even though he'd done something wrong, he still made the outcome rather funny. She looked away to prevent him from being egged on due to her grin.

"Sully, fancy seeing you here." He retorted, watching the spaghetti drip off the side of his plate and he peeled the single piece of pasta away, slurping it up with his lips as he sucked in.

She rose an awkward brow, walking down the moving line of students.

She kept a hand to her plate and the other slid her black tray along the counter like everyone else did. Lifting her plate up, she nodded to the lady who placed a buttered bun onto the corner of her plate. "Skipped the line I see." She spoke up.

"The best food's always served first." He shrugged casually, creating small talk with her.

"Is that so?" She hummed, joking around and stopped, waiting as someone held up the line in front of them. "You know, the food tastes the same whether you're here or at the back of the line."

"We'll trade spots then." He told her. "Pass me that and go to the back."

She rose her elbow and shoved it into his side, hearing a low grunt come from him. "Yeah, not happening...Anyway, how's hockey treating you?" She asked casually, figuring since he was there she may as well just ask.

"You just elbowed me, now you ask how hockey is?" He laughed suddenly, taken back, but answered her anyway since it was the decent thing to do. "Won our last game, so fantastic."

"Is that sarcasm or are you genuine?" She grabbed a cold can of Pepsi, setting it onto her tray in the corner.

He reached out for utensils next, grabbing a set for himself as he already started eating the buttered bun. He'd been using his elbow to slide his tray down since one hand reached out to grab items while the other held the loaded carb snack he gobbed on. "I don't know." He answered, mouth full of soggy bread.

She grew disgusted and turned away, hand reaching to tug his tray along as she shook her head. "You sure are special." She huffed. "How people see any sort of decency in that is beyond me."

He swallowed it whole.

"Okay, Sully," He reached over her shoulder, barely touching her and grabbed the straw. She smacked his hand and grabbed a bunch of napkins, shoving them into his chest as he grunted once again, feeling the sharpness brought on. "I swear you're doing that on purpose."

"Doing what?" She asked, thanking the woman and lifted her tray.

"Wait up," He picked up his tray in a hurry, letting the napkins fall onto his tray and the floor as he followed her. He slipped on a napkin and ran into her back with the tray, causing her to stumble forward. Evangeline's tray dumped onto the cheerleader table and she watched the spaghetti pour over a girl's shoulder, the red sauce staining her sun kissed skin along with the red and white cheer uniform. "Uh oh."

Evangeline inhaled deeply, mentally face palming herself.

The cheerleader stood up with a screech of fear and anger. Arms swatted to her sides as the chair had been pushed back and Evangeline watched the blonde priss of a girl turn around in a hurry. Her straightened hair whipped around her shoulder as she glared at the brunette who was two years younger.

"You bitch." The girl hissed. "You owe me a hair appointment." She screeched.

Portman could only laugh from behind Evangeline, finding it funny that the slim rich girl was so uptight and wealthy that a little spaghetti was a big problem. He continued laughing as Evangeline bit her lip, seeing the multiple stares stab her in the back and the front as her breath hitched.

"I'm sorry." She answered.

"You are not!" She cried aloud. "Get out of my way!" She shoved her and Dean aside, walking by them. Dean's eyes followed the girl's butt in the short pleated skirt which had Evangeline scoffing as she punched him in the arm.

"Seriously?" She scoffed with an eye roll, throwing her empty tray onto the cheerleader's table and kept the can of Pepsi.

"Hey, come on." He followed her, looking away from the girl's butt to meet up with Evangeline. "Here, have my food."

She shook her head. "I don't want that. Your fingers were in the spaghetti and you ate the bun already." She sighed, wandering off. "Go find your teammates."

She cracked the soft drink open and walked between tables as people continued to stare at her and Dean still followed her. Not an ounce of her felt any sympathy nor feeling for him as she just wanted to escape the embarrassing situation.

In the hallway, Evangeline turned when she realized he was still following her like a lost puppy. "Portman, get a clue." She pushed him back.

"I want to fix this." He stated, being compassionate for once for someone else. After all, it was his fault the dilemma happened.

"If you want to help," She inhaled deeply. "Leave me alone."

Twenty-One ~ A Dean Portman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now