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A few days later, Evangeline was sitting in the library in one of the bean bag chairs reading Lord of The Flies for English class. School had finished forty minutes ago and as kids came and left to study, she'd seen the librarian walk by with a smile before returning to her desk. It was a quiet afternoon as most students had practices or games to be at, while others attended for school support and spirit.

She was trying to read the book thoroughly so when the essay came she would ace it for her stubborn teacher and earn a better grade. It irked her how much effort she put in her last essay but it hadn't been enough when she didn't entirely detail the character and earned her a lower grade. Evangeline had impeccable writing skills and proper grammar, her issue was misreading the character analysis.

Lying back in the bean bag chair, she glanced to her right where her binder filled with notes lie open, quickly writing down little notes. Simple important notes she took from paragraphs to help her out later on. Columns were drawn out in class with the few characters she found more important than others. It was definitely an interesting book that kept her wanting to read more even if the chair she sat in started to feel numb on the butt.

Evangeline knew Dean would be around in a little while since it was an off day for him. He usually always came to find her but he enjoyed the thrill of bugging her while she tried working in the library. She didn't know where he ran off to after school and it didn't question her, she wasn't in need to know his whereabouts. It was up to him where he was and when, she of course would grow skeptical of it if he was out for a while and no one knew where he'd gone. 

Flipping the page of the book, she scanned the sentences as she continued reading chapter seven. The older book was a little worn out from how many people had borrowed it during the years to read, she was wanting one of the newer books and was upset when other students in her grade had received. The writings were the same in each book, the only difference was the age of it.

Just as she got on a good roll, having a nice reading pace where she was involved with the book and zero distractions, a distraction indeed had showed up. Eyes peeled away from the sentences of the book as she lifted her head a little, watching the boy drop his backpack onto the floor by her bag. 

With a low smile, she looked back to her book and continued reading from where she'd been. The boy shuffled around, kicking the bean bag chair around until it satisfied him. Evangeline hadn't moved when the chair had been kicked too far toward her and hit her, going unphased by it she assumed this was gonna be another brawl between him and the chair, again.

The bean bag chair finally settled right beside her own and the boy sat down with a huff, falling into the chair. "Ugh," He grimaced. "Another book, Sully?" He muttered with a laugh and leaned forward, lifting the top of the book to see the title. 

She pulled the book away from him and sank in her seat, placing it to her chest as she looked at him. "Yes, Dean." She answered, pronouncing each syllable. "Where's your bandana?" She asked, lifting a hand to wrinkle his curly hair and he hadn't bothered to swat her hand away.

He shrugged. "Lost it, probably in the locker room or something."


Dean knew exactly where it was because he was doing something with his lucky bandana, but she saw nothing indifferent about him not wearing it. It was his choice if he wanted to sport it or not and if she had to admit, she did like seeing him without it every now and then. It was a new look no one was used to and she liked seeing his natural curls fall over his forehead rather than pushed by a piece of cloth.

The boy had lifted a hand behind his head before yawning. "Tired?" She grinned quietly, poking at him before going back to her book.


Twenty-One ~ A Dean Portman FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora