Chapter 58: The Day of the Dragon

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The main ninja team were inside of the temple, with (Y/N) telling them about his adventure he had.

(Y/N): "And that's when Spyke and I got back to Ninjago, and we went to get some seafood"

Jay: "Woah, woah, woah, wait a second! So while I was the host of a game show, Cole was being a lumberjack, and Kai was being an underground fighter, you were on an adventure through dimensions!?"

Kai: "And not only that, but you somehow got a random girl to want to date you!?"

(Y/N) had previously decided to hide the fact that the 'random girl' was Nya from another dimension, just to avoid unnecessary trouble.

(Y/N): "Yeah, pretty much"

Garmadon: "Well, I'm glad that you continued to trudge forward, even in spite of that tragic reveal at the end"

Nya: "So, when do you think we'll meet who you're dating? From what you've described her as, I think me and her could get along"

(Y/N): "Oh, I'm sure you two will..." (They hear something happening outside)

Cole: "Uh... What's all of the cheering for?"

They go outside to see the other Elemental Masters cheer as they deflate Chen's blimp.

Griffin: "Yeah! Haha!" (He high-fives a random worker)

Jay: (Joining in) "Sink the ferry. No one's getting off this island"

Bolobo: "Yeah!" (He makes vines come up from under the sea and forcibly rip and tear the ship as they pull it down)

(Y/N): "This is probably gonna come back to bite us..."

The cultists struggle against their ropes as a worker aims a spear at them.

Cole: "The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear. Still no sign of Chen and Clouse"

Kai: "What about Skylor?"

Lloyd: "She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends. And since you're her friend, that means so are we. We'll find her"

Cole: "He's right. With no way off the island, it'll only be a matter of time"

Garmadon: "I'm proud of you six. You've done what the original Elemental masters never could: stick together. But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when you sleep"

Nya has gone over to the DB Express to inform Wu and Misako about their progress.

Nya: "The island is secure. We destroyed the elemental staff and Chen's attempt to turn his army into Anacondrai has rolled up snake eyes"

Wu: (On screen) "Good work, Nya"

Misako: (On screen) "How is Zane?"

Nya: "He's good. A little different, but then again, aren't we all?"

Wu: "The Bounty is nearly finished. As soon as it's done, we'll come by to pick you up"

Nya: "I look forward to coming home to see you two" (The Falcon taps on the screen) "Heh, I mean, you three"

(Y/N) watches as the Elemental Masters have fun, and then notices one sitting alone. So he goes over and sits next to her. She notices him, and puts on a fake smile.

Pyrrha: "Hello!"

(Y/N): "You ok?"

Pyrrha: "Yep, why wouldn't I be?"

(Y/N) looks at her and she caves.

Pyrrha: "Fine, Chen promised to send me back to my home if I won, but now we know that it was all a ruse to lure us here and steal our powers... I'm sorry I didn't join the alliance. I guess I was just- blinded by false hope..."

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