Chapter 25: The Last Hope

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On the Dark Island, Garmadon and the Overlord are watching the Celestial Clock counting down.

Overlord: "The clock is only hours away from finishing its countdown to the Final Battle between good and evil, Garmadon. Why so sad?"

Garmadon: "Me? Sad? Ha! Nonsense. I couldn't be happier. It's just..."

Overlord: "Lloyd?"

Garmadon: "I still have to battle my son in order to transform Ninjago into my image"

Overlord: "Battle and defeat, if evil is to prevail"

Garmadon sadly leaves.

The ninja are 'practicing' their new powers, on the shore of the Island while (Y/N) and Spyke sleep behind them.

Kai: "Order up. Coconut cream pie. Served well done!" (He uses his Fire on a coconut projectile. Everyone groans and laughs)

Zane: "It is good to have our powers back"

Jay: "Yup, you're right. And since we've all been working on our witty quips to follow every cool thing we do, I'd say we got this final battle in the bag. Or should I say..." (He signals Cole to launch another coconut)" ...I'd be shocked if we lose!" (He uses his Lightning on the coconut. He laughs as it explodes)

Wu: "Enough! Are you trying to reveal our hidden location?"

Kai: "Uh, sorry, Sensei. We were just practicing our cool new Elemental Blades"

Jay: "And our witty quips"

Wu: "Be wary of overconfidence, ninja. While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Army, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last"

Ninja: "Yes, Sensei"

In the distance, Dr. Julien is repairing the Falcon while Lloyd watches.

Julien: "Every cog, every gear is important. If one piece is missing, or out of place, the invention won't work" (He closes the Falcon's panel.) "Come now, little one. Time to fly" (The Falcon flies to the ninja)

Wu: "It is like you ninja. You each serve very important roles, and are key parts to a magnificent fighting force"

Cole: (Spotting a "coconut," unaware it's the Falcon) "Eat dirt, scumbag!" (He projected his Earth)

Zane: (Gasps and counters it with his Ice) "That is not a coconut!"

Cole: "Nice reflexes" (The Falcon squawks and lands on Zane's arm)

Zane: Good to have you back, old friend.

Suddenly, a piece of coconut hits (Y/N) in the head, waking him up.

(Y/N): "What the!?" (His head snaps over to the other ninja)

Jay: "Run?"

Cole: "Run" (They book it down the beach)

(Y/N): "Get back here!" (He chases them)

Lloyd: "If we're all gears, what if I'm the gear that doesn't work? What if I don't do my part? What if I can't defeat my father?"

Wu: "What if there are no more 'What-ifs"? The Final Battle is almost upon us. When that time comes, we will know the answer to what ifs whether we like it or not"

Nya: "I know you don't want to face your father, but there is no other choice"

Misako: "But perhaps there is. I used to think it was inevitable, but the I found this" (She shows them a scroll)

Cole: (Coming up with a red mark on his face) "You mean Lloyd doesn't have to fight? This I gotta hear"

Misako: "The scrolls say that when the Helmet of Darkness is bequeathed to its rightful ruler, the Celestial Clock will count down to the activation of an unspeakable weapon. The first sign that the Final Battle between good and evil has begun"

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