Chapter 46: All Your Bricks Are Belong To Us

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The four heroes land in the next dimension.

Gandalf: "What is this place?"

Batman: "I don't know..."

(Y/N): "It sort of looks like we're in space"

Wyldstyle: "DUCK!"

A green platform almost hits them, but it gets shot before it does. Gandalf puts up a magic shield as blocks come crashing down. Batman picks up a block and looks up at the things that are in the sky.

 Batman picks up a block and looks up at the things that are in the sky

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Wyldstyle: "This doesn't make any sense. It's almost like... like we're in a video game?"

Batman: "That is the single most ridiculous thing I've ever heard"

(Y/N): "Seriously, that's like saying we're in a TV show"

Wyldstyle: "I'll tell you what I do know, though. that's the Foundation Element!"

She points up to a coin that a green platform takes.

Batman: "So how do we get it?"

Wyldstyle: "Well, if this is a video game... then we play"

(Y/N): "I guess this is where I come into play" (He activates the Locate Keystone)

He gets led to the right spot and opens a rift, which The DeLorean comes out of and destroys an alien prison cell.

Doc Emmet Brown: "Great Scott!" (He disappears through another rift)

An 8-Bit Astronaut comes out of the wreckage and says something in an 8-Bit Jumble.

An 8-Bit Astronaut comes out of the wreckage and says something in an 8-Bit Jumble

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8-Bit Astronaut: "(Thank you.)"

He then does a celebratory dance and spins into the ground, disappearing.

(Y/N): "Um... Where did he go?"

Wyldstyle: "Guys, look!" (She points up in the sky, revealing a counter, which says four Astronauts left)

Gandalf: "Hmm... How is that counter is just floating there?"

Batman: "I... Don't know?"

Wyldstyle: "This dimension must be running on video game logic, meaning don't question it"

Lego Ninjago Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now