Buying Time

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Y/n's POV.

"Crap." The word escaped my mouth as I realized we only had a few seconds until the bats would attack us.

"Eddie!" Dustin shouted over the music. "We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!"

Eddie nodded, but he did not let that distract him.

"T-minus 20!"

In fact, from that point on he only got better. His fingers moved quickly across the neck of the guitar, playing unbelievably fast. Good lord.

"My god." I raised from my sitting position on the roof of the trailer, getting ready to make a run for it.

"Minus 10!"

My heart pounded so fast, I could feel it in my throat.


And the music stopped. We leaped from the roof and down. The moment we stepped foot into the trailer, the bats surrounded the entire house. Panting loudly, Dustin and Eddie looked at each other.

"Dude. Most... metal... ever!!!" He jumped up and down, somehow getting Eddie to do the same as they both freaked out together.

"I'll never be touched like you touched that guitar." I mumbled to myself, referring to Eddie, walking deeper into the trailer.

"Ew. I can't unhear that." Dustin almost gagged.

"Come on, girls, don't just stand there." I called them over. "We've got to prepare for this war. Grab your weapons." I grabbed a spear Lucas had made and a knife as well.

It was almost as if I could hear loud thunder, but in reality it was the bats hitting the trailer with exstreme force. But suddenly everything went dead silent. That can't be a good sign.

"Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?!"  Dustin shouted.

"Dustin, you're not exactly making them calm down." I hushed him

"Really, dude. Is that really necessary?" Eddie agreed.

Suddenly we heard small, low steps coming from above us.

"They're on the roof." Eddie commented. The two boys immediately followed the sound of the footsteps.

"Where do you think you're going?!" I whispered lowdly. "Why are you following the noise? Never follow the noise! Hey! Coma back here!" They ignored me, continuing to follow the danger. "Well, I ain't going nowhere."

"Shhh!!!" They both looked at me annoyed. Dustin looked up at a vent on the roof, exactly where one of the bats had stopped.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" He asked. Just as he finished his sentence, the vent burst open, revealing very angry creatures.

We all yelled in shock. Dustin and Eddie ran after the bats and attacked them through the small vent with whatever weapon they had.

"That's right! Get 'em!" I supported.

"Help us, Harrington!" Eddie shouted in panic. We might be dying, but I'll die first before I let any harm come to these boys.

I grunted, moving closer to the both of them. I grabbed the shield with the nails in them and approached the mess. "Get out of my way." I pushed the boys aside. I quickly grabbed a chair, stood on it and slammed the shield up to the vent, hopefully stabbing whatever was trying to get in.

I released my hand from the shield, and as I expected it didn't fall down. I jumped from the chair and landed beside the two douchebags.

"Nice." They said at the same time.

"Are there any other vents?" Dustin asked. Eddie immediately looked at me.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." He ran through the trailer trying to get to the other side to cover the vent. We went after him and into his bedroom. As we entered, the vent went flying open and dozens of bats came flying in. We closed the door as soon as we were all out, locking the bats in the room. We backed away, holding our weapons tightly.

"That's not gonna hold!" Dustin shouted.

"No, it isn't. We have to go, guys. Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" I pulled Eddie with me as we headed for the gate. Dustin was already ahead of us. He grabbed onto the rope and crawled back into our actual side. Then it was my turn.

I took the rope and got ready to go through, but Eddie stopped me. "Wait." He turned me around and kissed me slowly, savouring every second of his lips on mine.

"Guys, hurry up! You can make out when you're here! Come on!"

He pulled away, his eyes looking deeply into mine. "Let me help you up." He kneeled on the floor and let me step on his lap to get me through. I fell onto the mattress and Dustin helped me up.

I looked up at the ceiling, seeing Eddie on the other side. He looked at me, his eyes sparkling. I could hear the door with the bats starting to get weaker. But he just stood there.

Something is not right.

"Come on, Eddie. Come on!" Dustin told him.

"Eddie?" My eyes watered in realization. "Eddie." I closed my eyes.

I don't want to see this.

"Eddie! You're so close, let's go! Eddie!" Dustin shouted impatiently.

"Please." I kept my eyes closed as I cried. My voice so low, Dustin could probably not hear me. "Please. Don't do this to me." I choked on a sob.

"Eddie! What are you doing?! Eddie, No!!"

I opened my eyes but I kept them on the floor, not wanting to see what I already knew was happening. I saw the rope fall onto the floor right next to my feet. I cried harder. "Don't do it." I whimpered.

"Eddie, stop. Eddie, stop. Eddie, stop." Dustin's voice came in echoes and waves. I thought I was going to black out. "Eddie, what are you doing?!"

"I'm buying more time."

I needed to tell him. I needed to tell him that I couldn't live without him. That he was the reason why my heart was still beating. I needed to tell him that I loved him. But when I looked up to say those things, he was gone.

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