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August 11

3rd Person POV


It was the day. The big day some may say. The big day where everything changes. The big day for fans. The big day for all members. The big day that Lilac would join the Dream SMP.

Now some would think that she would be overly excited. Some may think that she would be a nervous wreck. Some may think that she would get annoyed in the first five seconds after she gets the chance to talk to Tommy. But what she really was.... no one could expect.

She felt no emotion besides happiness. She was happy. For the first time in years. She didn't know who would give the tour. She already watched other peoples tours so she basically knew everything. But this was their perspective. Not the others. It was their reaction. It was their day.

After she sent out the link telling the fans she was streaming, she waited with the stating soon screen. After a decent amount of people joined she took of the screen and greeted their chat.

She was doing all of this while Dream was stressing in who would tour her. He thought of Tommy but that would be too chaotic. Not Phil because he was doing a hardcore stream. Jack would also be too chaotic. Quackity would be making spanish conversations the entire time and the chat would probably not understand anything. Tubbo was also busy doing stuff out of town. Aimsey would be good considering she didn't have anything to do. There was one person. Ranboo would also be good since he said he was just going to be on his phone the entire day. There it was. The two who would give the tour.

Dream POV

I was in the SMP while I waited for Lilac to join. I still didn't decide who would tour them so I had alot of discord notifications and finally decided to open the app.


im suprised he didn't swear yet ngl

Ran Man
very suprising

Homeless Teletubby
Tommy shut up you aren't giving the tour
Ranboo and Aimsey can give the tour and make sure you don't let Tommy join in
Don't want them to get annoyed


got it and joining now
ran you coming?

Ran Man
yup just booting up the pc

I sighed at Tommy's antics and just continued running around at spawn. I saw Aimsey and Ranboo running over so I crouched towards them as a greeting. Once the two got close enough they crouched back.

Grace POV

After I joined in the Dream SMP I was met with Dream in my face. He messaged me to join the vc so I did.

"Hello hello! I got two people to tour you. I have to go to the vet with patches cause if you don't rember what Sapnap said yesterday she did infact take a shit by George and is sick I'm pretty sure. Goodbye now and have fun." Dream said before disconnecting from the call and leaving the game. After a moment of silence the three burst out into laughter.

"Poor patches." I managed out after the fit of laughter. "Alright, when is this tour gonna start?"

"How many tour streams have you watched?" Ranboo questioned.

I went silent since I had to think through all of the streams I watched since the last tour. "About three or four." I said truthfully after a minute of silence.

"I'm guessing you know where everthing is then?" Aimsey asked.

"Since I have a short term memory along with long and short term memory loss, no." I stated. Even though I've watched alot of streams I still couldn't remember the direct path.

"Alright then. Let's get this tour going then shall we?" Ranboo stated more than questioned.

"Why did you just sound like you were gonna sell a house? Like you sounded like someone who shows people around for a living." I joked making Aimsey laugh with me joining in a bit after. Ranboo just sighed and ran off, me and Aimsey following.

Time Skip
brought to you by ranboo spinning in his unicorn chair

After the tour Aimsey had to leave which made me fake complain about how I was stuck with a guy. Aimsey gave me a little talk on how it wouldn't be that bad, but oh were they wrong.

Ranboo added Tommy and Jack to the call. It was currently extremely loud so I was on deafen. I didn't mind loud things but if it was for a long period of time I couldn't handle it. So, there I was. Mining, on deafen, and thinking about what my house would look like. Just me, my thoughts, and my chat.

"Chat they are too loud." I said after I deafened. "I'm so close to leaving this damn call."

Ranboo POV

After I saw that Lilac was now deafened I frowned a bit. Then the thoughts came. Was I too loud? Did I make the mistake of adding Tommy and Jack? Was it my fault? I snapped out of my thoughts from hearing my name getting called from across the hall.

"James! I'm hungry! Can you get me a pop tart?" It was, of course, my sister Ash. She always asked stuff for no reason. I hated doing things for her, but also enjoyed it at the same time.

"Guys I have to go. If Lilac undeafens tell her I had to go. Thanks." I said before leaving the call and server. I got up and went downstairs. I walked straight to the kitchen and opened the cabinet to find out there were no pop tarts. So I grabbed Ash's second favorite snack, fig bars. I took the snack upstairs and went into Ash's room.

"There were no pop tarts but there were fig bars, so here you go." I said handing the snack to her.

"Oh, thanks!" She said cheerfully. "Also if you didn't notice, your friends are in the livingroom."

"Alright, thanks. And you're welcome." I said before leaving her room, closing the door behind me. I walked downstairs and into the livingroom to see Noah and Matt sitting on the couch on their phones.

"Hey guys. Could've got a warning you would be here." I said jokingly.

"Meh. Best friend just show up randomly." Noah said.

"True fact." I said almost getting cut off from Matt's phone ringing.

Matt answered his phone. "Hey Grace, what's up?"

"Tired as fuck." I heard the other line say with a way too familiar voice.

There is no way that the person Matt was on the phone with was LilacFields.

another long chapter
best ending am i right
n e wayz
hope ur doing good
here is some inspiration:
It's not over when you lose, it's over when you quit.
also just to let you know these chapters are not writen first i just come up with stuff as i go
love you <3
Words: 1175

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