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We filled the truck with supplies from local pharmacies and the other truck with food without incident. After we finished, we headed toward Quinn's ranch. There was some concern Wilks would remember the way, so Bill gave him a sleeping pill so we wouldn't have to worry. As we pulled into the canyon, a sense of peace washed over me. I loved not having to worry about anything. Quinn and I headed into the house while the others stowed guns on the truck. I sat at the table and composed the instructions for Tanya while Quinn made us some coffee.

"How long do you think it will be before we're ready to attack?"

He sipped his drink. "I don't know. A couple months, at least. I want to make sure everyone is properly armed."

I scribbled the notes on the paper. "I hope it's sooner rather than later. I don't know how much longer we're going to be able to keep Liet in the dark."

Quinn pulled a chair up next to me and sat. He leaned forward and placed his hands on my knee. "Then stay with me now. The more times you go back, the more chances he has of keeping you there."

I placed my hands over his. "I'd love to stay here with you, but I still have a lot of work to do. Who's going to pass out the guns? I have to go back to make sure they're in the right hands."

"What about Pam? She seems trustworthy."

"I don't know about that. I think that if it came down to it, she'd do anything to save her own butt."

He touched my cheek. "I hate to see you have to go through all that crap with Liet."

"It won't be for much longer, I promise. Like you said, it should only take a few more months before we're ready to attack. After

that, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth." I kissed him on the tip of the nose, then finished my letter to Tanya.

As early evening fell over the ranch, Quinn and I took the horses for a ride. We came back in with the cowboys and the herd of cattle. After a light dinner, we cuddled in front of the fire. When it was time for bed, Quinn let me have his room, and he settled onto the couch. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. It'd been a long day.


A sliver of light pierced through the curtains and hit me right in the face. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled as I took in the surroundings of Quinn's room. I extended my arms over my head and arched my back in a long stretch. When I finished, I looked at a picture of him kneeling next to a calf and smiled, then got dressed. I headed downstairs to see him in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. I walked up to him and stood next to him, my butt resting on the counter. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Great. I haven't slept that well in months."

"It's the country air. It'll do that to you." He winked.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love the fresh country air." I kissed his chin.

The back door opened and then closed with a bang, and I quickly released Quinn. I glanced up. It was Kyle, and he smiled at us knowingly. He continued through to the living room.

"Hey, what happened to Wilks?"

Quinn nodded toward the couch. "He woke up about midnight, freaking out because he didn't know where he was and screaming about zombies. I'm surprised you didn't hear him. Bill gave him another sedative and sleeping pill. He's awake now, but he's not all there."

I walked to the couch. Wilks stared at the ceiling and mumbled about zombies under his breath. I took a seat in the chair across from him. I'd been around a lot of people, and everyone reacted to the undead differently, but I'd never seen anyone freak out as badly as

Wilks. Fear was a powerful emotion, and it had the power to drive someone insane, but it usually took more than one incident.

Life After the Undead (Book 1 in the Life After the Undead Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin