Chapter 6

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Jealousy is the fear of comparison

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Jealousy is the fear of comparison.

When I arrived home my new mother still wasn't there yet, so I decided to be productive. Might as well cook for her, right? I have nothing else to do anyway. I started looking in the cupboards and the fridge to see what I can make with the ingredients we have. Pasta, it will be.

Maybe I can bake some cookies for Jackson. He's probably going to be frustated again because Scott is going to be really good on the field tomorrow. I think the cookies will cheer him up. I can also give some to Peter, I know he'll eat them.

It was nice talking to Peter. It's like a therapy session, I get to ramble to him and he just has to listen. And when he wakes up he can complain to me while I listen. Doesn't that sound fun? I really hope I can help him. I mean, the future would be so much nicer. 

Peter is nicer to everyone and everyone is nicer to Peter. Maybe I can convince him to talk to Scott about the bite. He can't just give him the bite and then leave him. Peter is scott's alpha, he has to look after him. They're a pack now.

Right after I finished cooking I hear the door opening. 

"Hello sweetie, how was your day? Oh, it smells really good in here." I hear my mother say from the hallway. 

"I made pasta for you." I tell her proudly. 

"You like pasta, right?" I asked a little afraid of the answer. Maybe I should've asked her what she wanted to eat.

"You cooked?" she asked surprised. "I didn't know you could cook." 

What? I always cook... Oh, oh! Oops. 

"I just used a recipe, mom. It's not that hard to cook." I made up quickly. 

"Well, thank you sweetie. It smells amazing." she said as she sat down. 

I look at her uncomfortably, is she going to send me to my room now? She looks at me expectantly. What does she want? Did I forget something? 

"Are you not going to eat with me?" she asks me. What? She wants me to eat with her?

I walked slowly towards the table. I look up at her, waiting for her to start screaming at me for thinking I was allowed to eat. I quietly started eating when I didn't hear anything. 

"Oh sweetie, it's delicious." she said as she took a bite. 

"Thanks mom." I smile at her.

After dinner I went to my room. I changed my clothes and jumped on my bed. I'm exhausted. It was such a fun day but I'm so tired now. 

I like Jackson, he was so nice to me. I feel so safe with him. He makes me feel all warm and happy and every time he touches me I feel tingly. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. 

Right as I'm thinking that I see my phone light up. A message from Jackson on the screen, asking me if I got home safe. 

Awh, he really cares about me. I reply back and get ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.


I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. 

I reach over to turn it off. I get out of bed and put on the clothes I laid out yesterday. I go downstairs to get some food and see that my mother has already left for work. 

After eating breakfast I hear a car honking outside. That must be Jackson. I grab my bag and the keys from the table and go outside to see Jackson standing outside the car. 

He smiles at me as I walk up to him. He steps forward to give me a hug. He's so nice and warm.

 "Goodmorning princess." he smirks at me when he sees me blushing at the nickname again.

 "Goodmorning." I smile happily as he opens the car door for me.

"I overheard Scott talking yesterday." I lied. 

Maybe if I tell him how badly Scott actually wanted to be good at lacrosse he'll be nicer to him.

"He said he practiced all summer to get better at lacrosse. So he must be really happy that he's finally getting better. I mean, that makes it even easier to win against other schools. The other schools won't stand a chance against you two." I tell him while carefully watching his reaction.

Jackson looks at me with a soft look, something flickering in his eyes. 

"Yeah. He really is getting better, isn't he? We could use some more good players on the team." He tells me smiling softly. 

I look at him surprised. I did not expect that to go so well. Now he definitely deserves my homemade chocolate chip cookies.

"Thanks again, for driving me." I said as we arrive at school. 

"You don't have to thank me for that. I like seeing you, so it's only in my favor." Jackson grinned at me. 

I laughed at him. "Or you just really like driving your car." I teased him. 

He looks at me seriously, "You're far more important to me than this car, okay?"

"Okay" I answer back quietly. 

He thinks I'm more important than his car. That's nice, I thought he always looked a little obsessed with his car.


"Hey Allison." I call out when I see her standing at her locker. "How are you?" I ask her. 

She smiles at me, "I'm great, thanks. I actually really like it here so far." she tells me smiling.

Yeah, because of your soon to be boyfriend. 

"About the party, family night has moved to next week. So I'll be able to go to the party Friday."

 Again, because of your soon to be boyfriend. 

"That's great, does it maybe have something to do with a boy?" I tease her. 

I really like knowing things. This is so entertaining. 

She blushes, "How did you know?"

"Well, you were very curious about that boy yesterday." I said with a chuckle. 

She laughs, "I guess you're right. He asked me to the party yesterday." 

Yes he did, after you hit that dog. 

"That's cute, on your first day already huh? Lucky you." I said smiling. 

"Well, the party's at my house. So if you don't like it anymore you can always ask me to bring you home." I tell her, forgetting that I can't actually drive. 

"Thanks Lydia, I'll remember that." she smiled at me. 

"You're welcome. Now come on, let's go to the field." I say while dragging her forward.

On to the next lacrosse practice, I wonder if anything will be different from the show after what I said to Jackson back in the car.

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