Chapter 3

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It's not about the forgetting the past, it's about growing from it

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

It's not about the forgetting the past, it's about growing from it.

I forgot how boring math could be, I mean I understand it but that doesn't mean it's fun to do.

 I'm sitting next to Jackson while staring out of the window. It feels odd to be here, but at the same time it feels nice. 

I was watching some little birds hop around when I got distracted by seeing Allison walk by with the principal. She must be on her way to her first class. 

I sigh, I want this class to be over. I want to make new friends. Maybe even buy a pet. Maybe I'll buy a dog, the Animal Clinic must have animals who deserve a new safe home.

Do I actually have things to do today? I know somethings are going to happen today. 

Scott and Stiles are going to meet Derek today, Allison is going to run over a dog and Scott asks her out to the party. 

Oh, right. The party. I'm going to have to invite Allison to the party, otherwise she probably won't know about it.

What can I do about the alpha? I kind of understand that Peter wants revenge, I mean someone killed his family. He is feral because he doesn't have a pack anymore. Pack means family right? I don't think he killed Laura on purpose. 

He's feral, he probably doesn't know what he's doing. I think he just needs someone who can ground him, someone who can help bring his conscious back. Maybe I can help him. 

I can go visit the hospital after school, maybe I can even give him one of my drawings so he can make friends with the animals too. That way he feels less lonely at night, right? Although he probably slips out of the hospital. 

I can always bring him chocolate. Chocolate isn't deathly for werewolves, right?

How do I get there though? I can't keep walking everywhere all the time, that's not really safe. I should probably get my drivers license soon, in secret though. I don't want people to know I can't drive, cause how can I explain that? Maybe I can ask Jackson to drive me there.

I gently tug at his sleeve. "Jack?" I ask quietly so the teacher doesn't hear me. 

He looks up at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes. 

"Yeah? What's wrong?" he whispered back softly. 

"Can you give me ride to the hospital after practice?" I ask while fiddling with my fingers. 

I hope he doesn't think it's weird that I walked to school. It's normal right, walking to school? I mean I always used to walk to school in my other life. 

He quickly sits up and looks at me worried. 

"Hospital? Why do you have to go to the hospital? Are you okay? Do you need me to bring you right now?" he asks concerned while grabbing my hand. 

I look at him in surprise, he's already being so kind to me. 

"No-no I'm fine, I just want to visit someone there. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." I tell him quickly while playing with his fingers.

He breathed out a sigh of relieve. "Of course I can give you a ride." he tells me while smiling down at our hands.

After the last class was finally over, I walked over to Jacksons locker to wait for him. I had the rest of the classes alone and I didn't really know who to talk to, so I mostly kept to myself. 

I sat down on the ground against the lockers and grabbed my sketchbook out of my bag. I started drawing. 

Being here felt great so far, I just need to get used to actual living in a universe where the supernatural is freaking real. 

I saw some people looking at me weird when they saw me sitting on the ground, but I didn't really care. If I want to sit on the ground, I will sit on the ground.

I stopped drawing when I felt someone staring at me. I look up to find the person who was staring at me, only to look into the familiar eyes of Isaac Lahey. 

Oh my god! I didn't expect to see him this soon! 

He was staring at me with confusion in his eyes. 

Why is he looking at me like that? I mean I know that I'm acting different than Lydia used to act, but I'm not that different am I? 

I smiled softly at him before going back to my drawing, missing the shocked but happy look on his face.

Poor him. He's still living with his dad while I got out. Maybe I can help him. I want to help him, but I don't know how yet.

"Why are you sitting on the floor." I heard someone chuckle. 

I look up to see Jackson standing next to me while holding out his hand to pull me up. 

"I was waiting for you." I tell him while taking his hand. 

He smiled at me, the soft look from earlier back in his eyes. 

"Well, come on then. Let's go." he says while grabbing my hand. 

He looked at me surprised when he caught sight of my sketchbook. 

"I didn't know you were into drawing."

"Oh..ehm..yes I am. I love drawing." I tell him while smiling, thinking about all the imaginary animal friends I made while drawing. 

He looks at me curiously. "Any other things I don't know about you yet?" he asks me.

I can see guilt in his eyes. Oh no. He feels guilty that he didn't know that about me, but he couldn't have known that because I'm not the real Lydia. 

"You'll find out." I smiled brightly at him. 

"Hey, do you want to go with me to say hello to the new girl?" I ask him as we walk down the hallway. 

"Are you asking me for permission to talk to her?" he asks me confused. 

"No?" I say while looking up at him in surprise.

"I asked if you wanted to go with me. I mean, you don't have to go with me if you don't want to." I said as I looked at him questioningly.

"No-no I'll go with you." he says shocked as he tightened his grip on my hand for a second.

"Okay." I smiled happily while dragging him with me. 

Let's go find Allison. I don't know if she actually wanted to be Lydia's friend in the beginning of the show. I mean didn't Lydia kind of force her to be friends and watch practice with her? 

I can ask her if she wants to go with me. I'm not going to force her though. I don't want to be friends with someone who doesn't want to be friends with me.

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