Chapter 2

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The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you.

I arrived at school pretty soon, I felt excited to be here. I was going to see Stiles and Scott soon, that's so cool. I always used to watch them on a screen and now I can see them in real life. I know Lydia was very popular so I know people are actually going to be nice to me this time. I am so excited!!

"There you are Lydia, I was looking for you. Where the hell is your car?" I heard a girl say to me. 

I recognised her from the scene where they walked into the school together. 

"I..uh" I tried to stutter out an excuse but I couldn't think of anything. 

"Never mind, let's go inside." she said while pulling me forward.

We were walking towards the school when I suddenly heard talking. 

"Oh, god, that is freaking awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since - Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia - You look.." 

I looked up towards the voices and saw Stiles and Scott talking to eachother. 

"Hey." I smiled softly at them while walking towards the school.

Stiles looked shocked. 

"Oh My God! Did you see that Scott, did you see that? She-she looked at me, she smiled at me. Oh my god, Scott. SHE TALKED TO ME." Stiles said cheerfully as he watched her walk towards the school. Scott looked at him smiling. 

"Yes, I saw that Stiles." he said while chuckling. 

Scott laughed at how happy Stiles looked at that moment, after all of these years Stiles is finally being noticed by his crush. 

"This year is going to be the best year ever!" Stiles said distracted by what happened earlier.

I smiled while walking inside, excited that I made him happy just by smiling at him. 

When I got inside I saw Jackson standing in the hall going through his locker, probably searching for something. 

Should I go to him now? I'm scared he's not going to like me because I'm not the real Lydia Martin.

I walk up to him slowly.

"Hey." I said quietly. 

Startled by the sudden sound Jackson quickly turned around, hitting his head hard against his locker. And when I say hard I mean really hard, it looked so painful. I gasped, oh my god. Why does this always happen to me? I rush to his side and started looking him over for any injuries.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to say hey. Oh god, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Does it hurt? I mean you didn't hit your head that hard but it could still hurt. you need anything? An icepack? Water? Some food?

I know food can help sometimes, not against an injury obviously but food makes people happy right? Wait! Here I put this in my bag this morning. Chocolate makes people happy right?" I ramble in a panic while searching through my bag for the chocolate I put in there earlier. After finding it I quickly forced the chocolate bar in his hands.

This was not how i wanted to make my first impression on my new body's boyfriend. 

"Sorry." I say again while looking up at him. 

By the look on his face I knew I already messed up trying to be like the real Lydia Martin. He looks shocked at me, surprised that I reacted that way I think. 

I don't know what to do, what the hell should I say? Hey I'm actually not your girlfriend, I just suddenly appeared here and now I'm trying to pretend like I am. 

Which I'm obviously failing at already.

He looks down at the chocolate bar in his hands and then back up to me. An emotion I can't recognise in his eyes. Doesn't he like chocolate? I thought everyone liked chocolate.

 "Uhm..thanks?" he whispered with the same emotion in his voice. 

I smiled softly while looking at him, he stared at me with confusion and something that looks like adoration. A soft look in his eyes that I'm not really familiar with. 

After a while of just staring at eachother he quickly cleared his throat. 

"I'm fine, thanks. You know I can handle more than just a little hit on the head." he smirked.

 "You're acting a little weird, are you alright?" he asks while closing his locker. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Just excited fo..." I got interrupted by the bell signaling us to go to class. 

"Come on, lets go. We have to get to class." I tell him while pulling him down the hall. 

Jackson looks at me weirdly. "Where are you going? Math is the other way." he says as he stops me from walking further. 

I turn around quickly to see that math is indeed the other way. There's even a sign that says that math is that way. How am I going to survive this freaking universe if I can't even read the signs correctly. 

I look back at Jackson and see him looking down at me with a concerned look on his face.

 "Right, of course. Lets go." I say while grabbing his hand and pulling him in the correct direction, missing the soft look he gave me after I grabbed his hand.

I honestly didn't really know what to expect from Jackson, but what I do know is that I didn't expect him to act like this. I actually think he's kinda nice.

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