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Lydia Ingalls never really minded the thought of death, she always imagined it to be peaceful. Lydia was never really happy in her life, she was used to people using and abusing her for their own personal purposes. Her family, her so called friends and her classmates always made sure she knew how much she was worth. Nothing.

Lydia craved every bit of love she could get, which wasn't a lot. A compliment from time to time from a teacher because despite her not so great life, she's very smart and always gets good grades. She especially enjoys the art and music classes. Drawing made her feel like she could create her own little world on a piece of paper, and she often imagined herself being there, talking with the kind animals and walking on the beach with the soft and warm sand under her feet. It made her happy, so happy that people started to realize it when they saw her smiling while drawing.

Lydia's dad was a very angry man, he often came home after drinking a lot in the bar. Lydia was afraid of him. She always tried to do everything for him to make him love her again but nothing worked, he remained an angry man who only cared about himself. Lydia's mother sadly passed away in a car accident, maybe her father blamed her and that's why he treated her like that. She will never know because he never answers her questions. The only things he says to her are orders like: "Make dinner now" and "Do the dishes." Lydia wasn't often allowed to eat what she made, her dad forced her to sit at the table with an empty plate while he was enjoying the food. After a while her father seemed to be a bit happier, it turned out that he met a woman. One day he suddenly told her that he has a girlfriend and that she will be moving in with them.

Lydia hoped that his new girlfriend will make everything better, maybe he will be happy now and be nice to her again. But unfortunately it was the opposite. The second she came in, it only seemed to get worse. Lydia had to give her room away to the new girlfriend because she wanted to turn it into a walk-in closet. Lydia was sent to the attic where she now had to sleep. She hadn't even really minded it until she found out that there was no bed in the attic and that her dad had no intention of getting her one either. She tried to make it comfortable with pillows and blankets and it did help at least a little bit. 

One day Lydia was walking down the stairs, on her way to make her 'parents' dinner when she suddenly felt a push against her back. She tried to turn around to see who it was but it was too late. She fell down and landed with her head hard on the ground.

There she lay, in a pool of blood that was flowing from her head. She felt numb, there was no pain. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking about her life, all the things she hasn't done yet. It was truly sad that she was dying with still so many things she wanted to do. She still wanted to fall in love so badly, still had so much love to give, but it was over. After a while a feeling of happiness started to flow through her, she was finally going to be free from her dad and her miserable life. In that moment she actually felt peaceful.

Slowly she felt her eyes close and the peaceful andcalm feelings taking over, it was getting darker and darker until everything was pitch black. 

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