Sweet Sixteen

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Was when the small bakery boy first fell in Love.


He was sixteen—

When a sort of Magic, unseen

Lit fires;

And sparked desires.


It made;


It played.


It broke;


It spoke.

He was sixteen,

When he first believed in a miracle—

A magic,

Called Love.

And he was sixteen,

When his miracle expired;

Much like a robot...



A/N: Thank you MeltingForExo, for your passionate response to Jett. And worry not-I would love to read every single one of your essays *laughs* if you ever do feel like writing any for me. And of course, I am still in shock of how you wonderful Bakers can turn whisks and rolling pins into chainsaws and machetes. Always-always in amazement. Thank you for your magic :)

Similarly, # appears when you should play the music! ^^

Brave Love Chapter Sixteen: Sweet Sixteen


Giselle was breathing heavy, a genuine scowl on her features—something I've never seen before.

Jett appeared to be in shock.

Well, of course he'd be;

Giselle's hit almost knocked the wind out of him.

Well, he wasn't the only one because Xander himself was pretty surprised by his sister's actions. He recovered quickly with a frown, proceeding to step between Giselle and Jett.

"...that wasn't supposed to happen—"

"Yeah, it totally wasn't," Jett agreed, using the back of his hand to wipe away the ongoing trickle of blood that the other man caused.

"But—I'll take it anyway. It was a good hit," Xander had to admit, shrugging with a smirk.

Jett's eyes narrowed and I assumed he saw red.

He steadied his ground and drew his hand back-fast.

"No! Wait, wait—stop, please—" Th-this is getting out of hand. Giselle's right there! If Xander dodges that

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