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It's Friday and Charlie woke up with a skip in his step. Today Ben is going to him on a little date. Sadly they can't be too long in case anyone gets suspicious about their absence. Trying to keep his calm until he sees Ben, Charlie begins to unconsciously smile when it's almost an hour till his date.

"Why are you smiling so much today?" The prince asks, noticing Charlie's unusual behaviour.

Charlie freezes—not knowing that he's been smiling—his face drops. "Oh, um... I'm going to see my family later while you're in your afternoon lessons." He lies, fingers crossed behind his back in hopes that the prince believes him.

"Oh, okay." The prince goes back to whatever he's scribbling down, not giving it a second thought.

Charlie waits a moment for the prince to say something else, but he doesn't so Charlie quickly goes back to dusting the Prince's study.

The last hour goes by excruciatingly slowly, Charlie begins to question if Ben is really going to meet him or if it was a lie. He's early to their meeting point—the rose bush by the secret door in the garden—he'd rather wait than let a prince wait on him. Getting nervous, Charlie starts to pick at the skin around his nails.

Eventually, the rustling of grass along with footsteps can be heard. Charlie turns to the sound in excitement, Ben is there walking towards Charlie.

"For you," Ben says with a smile as he hands Charlie a small bouquet of columbines. "Sorry I took so long, I was picking these on my way."

Charlie tries not to giggle as he smells the flowers. His heart is racing and his face beaming with happiness. "They're lovely."

Ben's eyes soften at the adorable male, he never thought a small act could make someone so happy. Maybe it's from being around royals so much of his life that he thought everyone has high and picky standards. Yet someone like Charlie enjoys the gesture, and it makes Ben's heart melt. He wants to see Charlie's smile more, but from bigger gestures as well.

"Shall we?" Ben sticks his elbow out for Charlie to wrap around his arm.

"We shall." Charlie loops his arm and Ben starts to lead the way through the secret door.

The two are wearing cloaks to walk through the lower town unseen or recognised. Charlie's surprised by Ben's strong lead of directions as he goes through alleyways to avoid the busier areas. It takes a while but they reach the gates of the lower town. However with the guards posted there, Ben takes Charlie in a different direction. Where they come across a secret door hidden behind vines.

"How did you...?" Charlie's voice fades as he looks between the door and Ben.

"I've had some spare time on my hands." He winks before looking around to make sure there isn't anyone there and proceeds to open it. The door opens to the farmer's fields that surround the walls of the lower town. "We should move quickly if he wants to have as much time together as possible," Ben says, tugging Charlie along.

A smile on their faces as they're running between the fields to the forest. The sun beams down with brightness the same as their happiness. Everything feels surreal to both of them. Charlie wants to spin and dance but they're still partially in the public's view.

Reaching the forest, the two duck behind a tree. Charlie has his back against the tree as Ben stands in front of him. Ben smirks as he looks down at the other's lips.

"You're beautiful." He whispers leaning closer.

"You're handsome," Charlie replies, letting Ben's lips touch his. A soft, sweet kiss and Charlie instantly flushes beet-red as Ben pulls away. Ben chuckles seeing Charlie try to hide in his chest. "Fuck you." Charlie's words are muffled as he curses Ben for laughing at him.

Ben has to look up because he knows looking at Charlie will only make him laugh more. "Okay, okay." He soothes, rubbing Charlie's back. "Come on, we still have a bit more to go."

"Go where?" Only now is Charlie questioning where Ben's taking him.

"You'll see." Ben gives Charlie another peck on the forehead then walks away.

Charlie is quick to follow after, joining the other by their side. "You're planning to kill me are you?" He jokes, almost jogging as Ben's taking longer and quicker strides.

Ben looks at Charlie with a shocked face, mouth wide open and a hand to his heart. "How could you tell?" He gasps.

Charlie slaps Ben's arm. It feels wrong to do such a thing to a prince when he's a mere peasant, but right now it feels like there is no social status. It's just Ben and Charlie, two simple humans who are simply in love. Ben rubs the area Charlie hit with a smile. Never having known before happiness was such a simple emotion.

"We're here." Ben opens his arms to a clearing in the forest. Anemone litter the ground like stars in the night sky. A picnic has been laid out beside a creek.

"It's—it's..." Charlie doesn't know a word worthy to describe what he can see.

"Come on." Ben grabs Charlie's hand to bring him over to the picnic. He had someone in the lower town secretly prepare the food for him to pick up this morning.

Charlie removes his cloak and uses it as a cushion to sit on. He doesn't know what to try first as Ben takes the food out of the woven basket. "Wow." He breaths.

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