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With his book finished and lunchtime having come around, the prince is sitting in the dining room to enjoy a delicious meal prepared for him. His brother, the king, is meant to be here too but he's currently caught up in a meeting- leaving more food for the prince to devour. Since David took to the throne, word has come about that some villages have started to protest against the royal family. The prince doesn't hear much about it as no one is willing to talk to him. All he does know is from hearing the passing of comments by servants and his teachers murmuring under their breath. You'd think as the prince he would know more about his own kingdom but until the prince turns 18 years of age, he is seen as too young by his peers. It's not long now till the big ball that has been under planning for months now.

"So good." The prince says with a chicken drumstick hanging out of his mouth, unaware of his servant rolling their eyes at him. The prince does have manners, but when it's only himself he likes to just enjoy the food.


The prince looks up from his silver plate, the drumstick falling out his mouth as he stares wide-eyed at the dining hall doors that have been flung open. The prince clears his throat before asking, "Yes?" while looking as natural as possible.

With heavy footsteps, the counsellor comes storming up the dining hall, a ferocious expression on his face. Stopping at the foot of the prince's seat, he takes a deep breath as if to calm his mind. The prince doesn't say another word, unsure of what must be going on for the counsellor to come to him in such a fit of rage. The prince can almost feel the heat from the flames behind the other's eyes.

"Sort out that... brother of yours!" The counsellor huffs with each word. His eyes flicker away from the prince to the servants. Charlie is fully aware of what possible words were meant to be inserted in the pause of the counsellor's sentence, but obviously, they cannot be said as it could be seen as treason.

Taking his napkin, the prince gives his mouth a quick wipe, coming to notice that there has been a piece of carrot stuck to his face the whole time. After a second of cursing in his mind, the prince looks back at the counsellor with a slight smile- not one that would make it seem as if he doesn't understand that it's a very serious matter for the counsellor to come and privately visit him. "What has happened?" This will be one of the few times where someone directly tells him about what's discussed in the throne room.

"Your brother is going to send this kingdom to the dogs if he doesn't realise the seriousness of the issues at hand." The counsellor's hands are flying around as he vents his anger.

"Mr Ajayi, what are these issues?" The prince keeps his tone mono to hide his curiosity and excitement.

"Your brother... sorry, the king," Mr Ajayi starts realising he should be speaking more formally. His anger being no excuse for informalities in front of the royal family. "Your brother is insistent on raising taxes and ignores all comments from others that tell him to stop. He believes that if they're able to pay now they should have no problem with paying more. Though there are many out there who are struggling to pay now and it'll only get worse. The people are stricken with famine..." The counsellor stops when he notices the prince is looking at the lavish meal laying on the table. Quickly adding, "There are other things too, in a village to the North a disease has broken out, but your br- the king has no wishes to send a physician out there."

"Ah, I err... I see" The prince wasn't expecting what he heard. Well, he did but at the same time, he didn't. He knew people weren't going to like his brother and his brother isn't the nicest of people. However, he didn't know his brother was going to start such things, especially after only being king for a few days.

"Nicholas," Mr Ajayi says the prince's name so calmly that it sounds like a parent speaking. "I know it won't be easy but he might listen to you. You are his brother, you mean more to him than us in the throne room. At the moment he views us as people trying to snatch the crown from his head. He's nervous, scared even because he's suddenly become king. I've seen this behaviour before in your father. It will only take time for him to adjust and trust us. For now... can I ask you for your help to convince him that these issues are serious and they need to be sorted before they get out of hand."

With his hands clasped in his lap and running his thumbs in circles around each other, the prince listens carefully to each of the counsellor's words. "I can try." He says after sitting silently, the thoughts in his head being the only noise he can hear.

This morning the prince was moaning about his lessons and how friendly his servant has gotten to another prince. However, in the throne room, actual important matters had been discussed. Matters that make the prince seem petty and privileged. The thought brings him back to how he was imagining what others' lives are like, how they view the world and what their struggles must be. He's been living so long, wearing rose coloured glasses that they've ultimately started to crack.

"Thank you, your highness. I apologise for interrupting you during your lunch, it was out of order for me. I'll take my leave now." And so the counsellor does. This time his footsteps are softer, not as threatening as when he first barged into the dining hall.

"Everything okay, your highness?" Charlie asks when the prince doesn't move a muscle, their eyes fixated on the entrance doors.

The prince shakes his head as if awoken from a trance. "Yes, Thank you." He looks down at the food that'd been prepared for him and his brother, knowing that after they'd eaten there would be enough leftovers to have for lunch tomorrow. Except for tomorrow, a whole new fresh meal will be placed before him. "I think... I think I'm full. Are you hungry Charlie?"

The question comes as a shock to Charlie. " No, I ate early while you were in your lesson before lunch." The prince has never before asked such a question. Had the counsellor's words getton to him?

"Is that so..." The prince hums before placing his hands on the table to stand. "Well then, I think it's time for me to train, then at dinner, I'll try to talk with my brother. How does that sound?" He turns to his servant with a smile.

"If that is what you wish to do then, your highness." Charlie's answer is basic, but what is he meant to say to the prince? His nagging at the prince to go to his lessons can only go so far before he puts his job in jeopardy.

"Good." The prince begins to make his way out of the dining hall. "Then that is what I shall do."

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