tunnel vision

16 1 0

Feet pad pad pad
Echoing throughout the
Muddy murky trench--
Stop. There's the rumble,
Shut up, don't bumble
I need to cross before the crumble--
Feet pad pad pad
God, I'm starving...
Weight of bricks, companion mine
Bane of my existence, reason for treason--
Stop. There's the shot
That started a war long-fought
When will the bastards get caught?
Hands fumble for smooth metal handles

Tug tug tug
(they won't open)
Tug tug tug
(God no)
Tug tug tug

Feet pad pad pad--
But they are not mine--
Laughter clogs the tunnel--
Metal glistens and gleams--
(not mine not mine not mine)



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