cages and birds

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the songs
never cease

in my darling prison,
in my "life of ease."

prisoners love
to chirp chirp chirp

without thought or form,
rhythm or rhyme, with a quip or a burp

thrown in for "good measure"
to cover the flaws of their souls--

chirping and burping won't fix the holes

in their character,
in their intelligence

or integrity;
especially when lacking in benevolence.

the songs
never cease

but someday, they will,
and I'll receive not one tease;

no, not even a "please"
will leave the fish-lips;

the cloudy fish-eyes only stare,
bloated and bleary.

I could scream and scream
until my voice fades, weary--

but a ghost of their intentions
cannot interrupt their decay.

the songs never cease,
but my hearing shall fade.

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