Chapter 20

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Gilbert got home not too long after Anne had run up to him and Jade and the brunette requested some privacy. He tried to not think too hard about what Anne could have wanted to talk to Jade about but ultimately failed, allowing his thoughts to consume him the entire walk home.

Sighing, he sent his things down on his bed and began to change out of his clothes until Bash called out to him.

"Blythe!" His voice traveled up the stairs. "You've got a guest!"

Gilbert quickly stuck his arm back into his sweater and flew downstairs. Jade? Bash was standing in the doorway wiggling his eyebrows and wearing the biggest grin Gilbert had seen. He gestured to the door, and the curly-haired boy immediately knew who was at the door.

"You could make it less obvious." Gilbert rolled his eyes, reaching for the door.

"Ah, but that's no fun." He laughed. "I enjoy watching your face turn the shade of a tomato on a hot July day."

Gilbert shooed the laughing man away and opened the door to a slightly out-of-breath Jade. She offered him a small smile and he leaned against the door frame.

"Back so soon?" He raised an eyebrow. "I might start to think you actually like me."

Please actually like me. He thought desperately.

Jade shook her head with a small smile gracing her lips. "May I come in? I won't take long."

"You're free to take as long as you wish." He smirked, pushing himself off the doorframe and allowing her space to walk past him and into the foyer. He didn't miss the slight blush that took over her face as she tried to nonchalantly roll her eyes.

Mary walked in with Delphine on her hip, smiling at Jade. "I didn't know you were stopping by! Did you want something to eat or drink, dear?"

"Oh, I'm alright! Honestly." Jade assured her, pushing her hair out of her face. "I wanted to talk to Gilbert quickly."

Mary waved her off and shifted Delphine slightly. "Go right ahead, Lord knows he won't complain."

Gilbert's eyes widened at her and Mary simply winked before making her way upstairs, ignoring the obvious panic in the boy's eyes. The two teenagers waited for the older woman to go upstairs and didn't speak until they heard the lock of the door click.

Jade rolled back and forth on her heels, pursing her lips as Gilbert gestured for them to sit at the table. He pulled out her chair and sat beside the brunette.

"So?" He finally spoke. "May I ask what Anne wanted to talk to you about?"

Jade sighed and rubbed her forehead. Gilbert's eyebrows furrowed.

"Jade, what did Anne want?" He asked again.

"She likes you, too."

Dead silence.

Gilbert could only hear his heart beat and the distant tone of Mary singing Delphine to sleep.

"What?" His throat was suddenly dry. Why is she telling me this?

"Anne has feelings for you." Jade repeated, eyes flicking around his face to gauge his reaction.

He simply blinked, not breaking eye contact as he also watched for any signs of joking on Jade's face.

"That's what she stopped you to tell you?"

Jade tucked her hair behind her ears. "Not necessarily. She wanted to apologize for being distant and she confessed the reason she was doing that was because she was trying to come to terms with rejecting you even though she also harbored feelings for you."

Another silence. Gilbert's head was spinning. First, it was Ruby now it was Anne.


He forced himself to look at Jade. Her eyes seemed to be filled with worry. What was he supposed to say?

"I-I don't really know what to do with this information." He said slowly. Jade bit her lip and looked down at her dress.

"Well," She started. "I do."

Gilbert frowned.

"Instead of us pretending to go to the dance together, why don't you just ask Anne?"

No. No no no no.

"Why would I go with Anne?" He asked, hoping she wouldn't say what he feared she was going to say.

"You both liked each other at the same time." Jade rationalized. "Why pretend you're interested in me when you can go with someone you've pined after for years?"

She said it. He thought.

"But I'm not pining after her anymore." He reminded her, trying to not get annoyed at Jade's suggestion. I'm pining after you.

"Well, maybe this dance is what you need to reconfigure your chemistry." Jade suggested.

Gilbert narrowed his eyes. "Weren't you the one who told me that I shouldn't chase someone who's never shown interest in me?"

Jade didn't meet his gaze. "Perhaps there was a stream of miscommunication."

"So that's what you want me to do?" He asked, not quite believing the situation that was unfolding in front of him. "You want me to ask Anne to the dance?"

"This isn't about what I want." Jade shot back, starting to also get annoyed. "I'm simply stating a fact and trying to help your situation as best as I can. You said you wanted to keep your integrity and what better way to do that than asking the girl you've liked for years to the dance?"

Gilbert opened his mouth but decided to stay quiet. What was he to say? Did he tell Jade he was interested in her? I don't even know what my feelings are yet.

The two of them sat in silence, an unknown understanding passing between the two teenagers.

Jade stood, smoothing out her dress and shouldering her belongings. "Well," she said in a softer tone. "I guess you know what to do."

He didn't speak. He was scared that if he opened his mouth, his voice would fail him. He simply nodded.

And with that, Jade made her way to the door and gave Gilbert one last smile that didn't quite reach her eyes before finally leaving.

Gilbert sat, willing himself to not run after the brunette and say something he'd regret. He looked at the seat she had just sat in.

Why couldn't have I asked her to the dance like a normal person? He thought bitterly. This is what I get for being an idiot.

'You know what to do' She had said.

Mood brought down, Gilbert slowly made his way upstairs.

This was going to be a long week.

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