Chapter 1

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Gilbert was late. He was very very late. He nearly lost his footing multiple times on his sprint to the Avonlea schoolhouse in an attempt to make it before he missed any more class than he already did. With Delphine crying all night and Mary and Bash taking turns trying to quiet her down, Gilbert did not fall asleep easily.

The school came into view and he slowed down to catch his breath and adjust his clothing so he didn't walk in looking like he had actually run across town. Bracing himself for the stares to come, Gilbert carefully opened the door and saw Ms. Stacey facing the board writing something down.

Perhaps this won't be too bad. He thought as he quickly took off his coat and hat to hang them up but cringed at Billy Andrews calling his name.

"Hey, Gilbert! Glad you decided to join us today, bud, some students were getting a little too comfortable being the brains in the classroom." He called out while pointedly looking at Anne who in turn only glared at the bully.

The entire class was staring at him now and Ms. Stacey made her way towards Gilbert. "You're late Mr. Blythe." She commented.

"I'm so sorry, I'm afraid I woke up late and I came as fast as I could." He apologized, hoping she wouldn't reprimand him harshly in front of the class. The woman nodded and gestured for him to take a seat. He quickly slipped into his seat next to Charlie Sloan and pulled out his materials for class.

His eyes automatically drifted over to the redhead who whispering animately to Diana Barry, who was giggling and whispering just as excitedly in return. He couldn't help the small smile that graced his features as he discreetly admired Anne. Her hair was in its signature braids and he could see her eyes light up at something Diana whispered to her in hushed tones. He quickly turned his attention back to the trigonometry Ms. Stacey was elaborating on the board before he got caught staring in that general direction for too long.

Gilbert always caught himself staring at Anne for too long, admiring her uniqueness and strong personality. The way she lit up a room whenever she walked in. How she unapologetically butted heads with him academic wise. But he always caught the way she would never stay in his direct vicinity for too long or even look him in the eyes. The way she would come up with excuses to not be alone with him. It quite honestly confused him sometimes. Was he repulsive? Had he done something to anger her?

His thoughts continued to swim around while class passed on and the bell for lunch sounded out. The class excitedly ran out of their seats, chatting among themselves and going off to find their friends while Ms. Stacey attempted to grab their attention but failed. Gilbert walked outside with Charlie and Moody while they filled him in on what he missed that morning and fetched his lunch as Charlie continued to ramble about "how beautiful Diana has grown" and if she "would ever pay him attention before they graduate". Gilbert shook his head as he took a bite out of his apple.

"Why don't you ever make a move then? The most interaction I've seen you have with Diana Barry was during the spelling bee." Gilbert teased. Charlie scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Look who's talking. At least I don't get into arguments with a certain redhead and stare at her all day as a form of flirting." The boy shot back.

"At least Anne and Diana have talked to you both," Moody said glumly, picking at his scone. "I don't believe Ruby has even looked in my direction all year."

"The year started 2 weeks ago." Gilbert deadpanned. Charlie laughed into his sandwich and shot Moody an apologetic look.

"He has a point, you've got more than enough time to get closer to Ruby and admit that you've been in love with her since you were 14." Charlie smirked. Moody's eyes widened.

"I have not been in love with her for 3 years!" The boy whispered. "Lower your voice before someone hears you, idiot!"

"Who knows, maybe the new student will catch your eye and make you forget all about Ruby." Charlie shrugged as he took another bite out of his sandwich. Gilbert's eyebrows furrowed and he gave the boys a questioning look.

"New student? Since when do we have a new student?" He asked as he quickly scanned over all his classmates trying to see if he had overlooked a new person in the vicinity.

"She hasn't started yet. I heard her family moved to Avonlea a week ago and she'll be here at the start of the next week." Charlie informed him as Moody nodded excitedly.

"My parents went to welcome them when they arrived and mother said she's never seen a family that looked wealthier than the Barrys'." Moody chimed in. "Apparently they have 3 children but only the youngest will be attending with us."

Gilbert finished off his apple and threw the core into the grass. "Well, I'm sure whoever our new student is, she'll be wonderful and welcomed nicely." He brushed off the dirt on his pants as the bell for class rang, signifying the end of lunch. The boys all stood and joined the throng of students shuffling to get back into the schoolhouse. Gilbert looked over at Moody and cocked an eyebrow. "You never told me the name of the new student."

Moody smiled. "Jade Peyton."

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