Chapter 19

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Anne nervously fiddled with her braids and glanced every so often at the brunette who was glaring holes into the board in front of her as Ms. Stacy reviewed what they had to master for the Queen's entrance exams.

The lunch incident had rendered the redhead speechless and Anne honestly didn't know whether to be flattered or jealous. She caught herself staring at the brunette again. She needed to talk to Jade. After all, it would be rude not to thank her for standing up on her behalf.

As much as she tried not to succumb to her heart's desires, Anne failed and snuck a glance at Gilbert.

He was watching Ms. Stacy speak intently, eyebrows slightly furrowed and jaw clenched as he appeared to be taking into serious consideration what she recommended they brush up on. A hand reached up to run through his curls and effectively remove them from his line of sight. Anne remembered the way Jade had so easily been able to touch his hair, utterly unfazed by the smoldering look Gilbert had given her.

Her stomach turned and she willed herself to look away.

"All right, I believe I've talked to you all enough for today." Ms. Stacy laughed, turning to erase some writing off of the board. "You're all dismissed."

Chairs scratched the floor and the schoolhouse was immediately filled with chatter as everyone made their way over to their belongings. Diana nudged Anne and nodded in Jade's direction.

"Go. You owe her an explanation, Anne." Diana warned, grabbing her coat and hat off the hook. She sighed, quickly wrapping her scarf and speeding out of the schoolhouse.

Anne saw Jade beginning her walk home with Gilbert by her side, no doubt the two of them discussing the interaction between the brunette and Josie as Jade animatedly moved her hands around. Gilbert was listening carefully but Anne saw a slight smile on his face as he watched Jade work herself up.

The redhead took a deep breath and went after them. "Jade!"

The couple stopped and turned around. Couple? Is that what they are? Or just two friends going to the dance together? Anne wondered.

Jade raised an eyebrow while Gilbert's face remained stoic. Anne suddenly felt silly for standing in front of them. "Is something the matter?"

Anne bit her lip, glancing over at Gilbert who actively avoided her gaze. This didn't go unnoticed by Jade, who sighed and turned toward the boy.

"Go ahead of me, Gil. I'm going to speak to Anne."

He opened his mouth but closed it just as quickly. "Alright." He said softly. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Jade offered him a small smile as he turned and continued his trek home. The girls waited until he was out of earshot to start talking.

"Are you done avoiding me?" Jade crossed her arms. Anne was slightly taken aback by the annoyed tone in the girl's voice. But then again, she hadn't been the friendliest in recent weeks.

"I wasn't avoiding you." Anne defended, knowing she was blatantly lying. Jade scoffed.

"Then what were you doing? You actively ensure you're never around me, avoid eye contact, and haven't had a real conversation with me in weeks." Jade narrowed her eyes. "If you don't want to be my friend, Anne, you can simply tell me. I'm a big girl, I assure you, I can take it."

Her eyes widened. "What? No! That's not it at all!" She shook her head. "I- I've been struggling with some inner turmoil and as a result, I've pushed you away." The redhead admitted.

Jade simply blinked, waiting for Anne to continue explaining herself. "Would it be alright if we discussed this somewhere else?" Anne asked carefully, gauging the brunette's reaction. Jade seemed to consider her question for a moment. And then she plopped into the grass.

Anne opened her mouth, then closed it. You're lucky she's talking to you at all. She reminded herself. So she sat in the grass next to Jade, scoping their surroundings to see if anyone was in listening distance.

"I do want to start by apologizing," Anne stated, glancing down at her dress. "I allowed my pride to blind me and make me treat you unfairly."

She looked at Jade, who watched her fiddle with her skirt and the blades of grass. "Anne, an apology holds no significance if you don't tell me the reason for acting the way you did."

Dread filled her.

"I know you were in the forest that day when I was with Gilbert."

Anne's head snapped towards her, mouth agape and ears burning. Jade shook her head slightly.

"I'm no fool, Anne. You broke every branch in Avonlea in your mission to run away." She laughed. The redhead had to look away.

"Do you know why I was there?" Anne asked quietly. She saw Jade shake her head from her peripheral vision. She swallowed.

"I was going to tell Gilbert I liked him."

The silence was deafening. She willed herself to look over at the brunette whose brows were furrowed.

"I thought you rejected him?"

"I rejected him because I didn't want to hurt Ruby's feelings." She confessed, knowing that she just exposed herself as a liar when Jade had previously asked if she harbored feelings for Gilbert. "And now I've got myself into a bit of a situation."

"How so?"

"I rejected Gilbert only to go back on my own word, most of the girls in our class hate me now, and I've treated you unfairly even when you still choose to defend me." Her voice wavered.

Jade shifted so that she was turned towards Anne.

"Anne, you worry so much about what others think that you've only hurt yourself in the end." She said softly. "I'm not upset with you for liking Gilbert nor are any of the girls who matter. Girls of the likes of Josie Pye aren't to be envied or worried about."

The redhead willed herself to not cry. Jade sighed. "Do you have a date for the dance?"

She laughed, shaking her head. "Of course not. I've got 4 days to find someone." She seemed to think. "I guess there isn't any harm in going alone and having fun with my bosom friends."

Jade seemed deep in thought. "I believe I have a solution to your issue."

Anne looked up at the brunette, who began to stand. "You do?"

She smiled. "Go home. You'll see later."

And with that, Jade grabbed her things and ran down the path and to lord knows where.

Anne frowned slightly.

What is she up to?

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