10: Magicia: Twins, Guardians & Chaos

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It was dawn before I moved again, my thoughts taking over for the moment. Then, I felt a disturbance in the dimension, and ripples travelled through the air as I sat up, forgetting everything as my twin sister appeared. She hadn't changed a bit, her dark hair was tied back and her bloodred eyes glowed with malice. She was the Sage of Shadow, daughter of Hermes & Hecate, but born for a different purpose to me. She was meant to be evil.

"Chalice Hunter, where on earth have you been for the last 50 years?" I demanded. She cracked a grin, her fangs showing as she smiled.

"Around, little sis. I missed you" I ignored this as Makenna and Chalice appeared beside her, both giving her heated looks.

"For one thing, don't call me 'little" I said, ignoring my guardian and protector. "Secondly, why the f*** have you appeared now? You don't usually talk to me"

"What. The. Hell. Is. She. Doing. Here???????!!!!!!" If looks could kill, Chalice would have been dead several times over by now.

"I got bored, and decided to come visit my little sister" Chalice shrugged. "I don't see why this is a problem"

"Because you never visit your sister. Ever since you stopped sharing the mortal host you haven't talked. And you appear now, as she is threatened with death?" Makenna leapt on Chalice, and in two seconds there was basically a catfight going on in my room. I watched as they fought, hissing and spitting. Ugh, not again, I thought.

"Just ignore them" I told Quincy as he looked bewilderingly at Chalice and Makenna as they smashed into the screen on my wall. "They'll get over themselves. They always have" He calmed down and stopped the fighting stance he was slipping into as I heard a string of insults come from the two of them.

"Idiots" I muttered, grabbing an oversized jumper and skinny jeans, and heading into my bathroom, pulled them on over a black singlet, adding Doc Martens and my token.

"Have you two knocked it off yet?" I asked as I emerged from the bathroom. My short hair was all over the place, but I couldn't care less as my twin and my guardian fought.

"No" Quincy looked slightly bored as he was perched on the end of my bed. "I have a feeling they'll be going at this all morning" I nodded, and opening the door for Ben (He was a ghost dog, but didn't particularly like going through doors & walls) headed out to find James for training. Usually the tributes had a uniform, but I think the Capitol was too scared of us to enforce rules, especially after the Remake Centre chaos & the disaster of the evacuation. I laughed quietly, thinking of Metty and her counterpart. Her counterpart didn't talk much, I wondered what the heck he'd be like at the interviews. If that Caesar guy tried to butter me up, I'd probably punch him, I decided.

I prayed to my parents for the guidance to get through the day as I went to the dining room. Pinkie was there, along with Katniss, Peeta & my stylist, who was STILL trying to make me over. I gave her the death glare that consisted of Touch-me-and-you-die look, and she gulped, excusing herself from the room.

"Weakling" I muttered as I scanned the table for blood. I was exceedingly thirsty, and there was bloody nothing there. Fuuuuuuccckkkkkk. I groaned loudly.

"What's up, Mag?" James came over, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"There is no blood here. I'm thirsty" I muttered into his ear, pretending to hug him. James nodded, and bringing his hand to his mouth, bit down hard enough to draw blood.

"Here" He said quietly. "You could use my blood. It's more sustaining than a mortal's since it has demon DNA in it" I shook my head, mortified.

"James, no" I muttered. "You don't need to do that. I'll hunt later" James gave me a disbelieving look.

"Just do it, remember I heal much faster than you do anyway" He said evenly. I nodded and he brought his hand to my lips. I took the blood, wishing I didn't have to. James had always done this. He had always tried to be the hero for me. But to be honest, I wasn't into guys. And for that matter, I didn't wish to love. I knew that my immortal family was enough for me, that we could survive without others. If I loved, I ran the risk of hurting other people. And that was something I didn't want.

"Why do you always do this?" I asked him quietly.

"Because your life is worth more than mine" He answered. "You're worth more to the fate of humanity, remember you're a protector of humankind" I looked at him, and was surprised to see there were tears in his eyes. "Nadia needs you, she loves you more than anything else. If I let you die she would hate me forever. And besides that, you matter to me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if... if I lost you" James let me go, tears beginning to run down his cheeks, and he turned and hurried off. I was left there, eyes wide with shock.

"Holy f***ing shit" I stared after James as he hurried around the corner. "What on earth is going on with him? He's not usually like this. And I swear to God I have never seen him cry before... What the hell?" I wondered aloud, walking to the elevator. It went down to the training levels, where all the tributes would be in a few hours. It was only 7 or so, so I had a lot of time. Walking into the weapons area, I felt at home. Avox guarded the outside doors, but in here... I could practise & fight.

I picked a dagger off the wall. The blade was about 6 inches long, the metal silver. The handle was smooth wood, and had engraved runes on it, which looked like badly done Ancient Egyptian runes.

"F***. My. Life" I muttered, then, whirling around, I savagely threw the dagger at one of the targets, slicing through the neck and going into the wall like a knife through soft butter. I grabbed a few more handfuls of knives, throwing them at random fixtures throughout the large room and cursing. I was able to finally get rid of my anger at being pulled out and sent into a stupid arena to fight to the death for fucking entertainment! Electric sparks showered the floor as a knife went through the lighting fixture and stuck to the foundation of the wires precariously.

"Bastards" I muttered as I slashed a dummy to bits, then threw the knife at the elevator door, which opened at that very second. Azazel.... oh fucking shit, I thought as she ducked to avoid the knife, then got up and grinned at me.

"Nice throw, demigod" She said. I grabbed another knife.

"F*** everything" I muttered as I aimed and threw one at a rope trap. The thing fell to pieces as the blade slashed through it.

"Um excuse me, but I hope you've noticed you've destroyed almost everything in the room?" One of the trainers asked. I looked around, suddenly realising the damage I had caused.

"Holy f***ing shit" I muttered. The lights fixtures were in ruins, and much of the equipment around the room at the different stations were destroyed. Dad would have been proud, I thought tiredly.

"Magicia, was this your doing?" Metallica walked in....

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