5: Magicia: Sage of Logic

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A day and a half later we arrived at the Capitol, and James and I were taken to the Remake Centre, where mortals pleaded with me for a solid hour to make me over, me refusing the entire time. Makenna looked at me and laughed. His long dark hair was falling over his face and his green eyes twinkled at me. I glared at him.

"Really, Magicia, you make so much fuss" He grinned. I heard a scream come from down the hall, and I groaned.

"I pray James hasn't tried anything" I muttered, but then I saw a girl in a white dress with bronze coloured curls floating around her shoulders walking toward me. She had large folded silver wings at her shoulderblades and her skin was pale.

"Hello, do you know where I can find a power point?" She asked me with a slight smile. "I'm Metallica by the way, and that scream was because one of those wretched mortals got me wet. I'm a goddess of mechanics, of course I would zap them without even realising" Her eyes were green and silver, and glinted with mischievous intentions. I grinned, knowing I would grow to like this girl.

"I'm Magicia Hexopia, and I actually like privacy so I don't let people touch me, which is why these mortals are begging to make me over. I hate makeup and falsegods, of course I wouldn't let them touch me, let alone undress me and bathe me. I can do those things myself. It's like we're two year olds" I told her. She nodded.

"I have a feeling we've met before" She said mysteriously. I nodded, the feeling of familiarity close. Makenna came up and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned and gave him the evil eye.

"Magiciiiicciiaaaaaa, they have no peanut butter!" He groaned. I tapped him on the head.

"Makenna, you can eat peanuts. Just please keep quiet. And where in the name have Quincy and Ben gone?" I asked him.

"The Tribute Tower. They're checking the place for cameras and shit" He said. I nodded. If we were going to be staying there than there would have to be no cameras. I was not going to be watched, that was something I insisted on while being at the Games.

"Thank you for telling me" I muttered out of the side of my mouth as another couple of beauticians came up.

"Oh please just let us do your hair???" They begged as Metty and I smirked.

"Not unless they want to die a painful death" I muttered to Metty, and she smirked.

"Look, you lot, clear off, can't you see she will use you for hunting if you don't?" A guardian appeared out of thin air next to Metallica as she spoke. He (The guardian) had dusty brown hair, green eyes and his ears were pointed. An elf ghost.. rare.

"Fine" the beauticians sighed, and left. I heard someone swearing in angels' language, and a girl with brown hair and dark eyes stormed away from a pair of beauticians who appeared to have been knocked out. I winced in sympathy.

"That has got to be Azazel" I muttered. I knew she was in one of the districts, but I hadn't known which one for a long while.

"You know, they could benefit from doing mathematics" Metty said, her gaze focusing on more of the beauticians as they begged/worked with the tributes.

"F*** this **** I am not letting them touch you" Makenna said, using some objectionable language and Metty glanced at him.

"Don't use that language please" She told him. Makenna grinned, and then swore in Ancient Greek. Metty glared at him as I laughed.

"Come on, let's look around" I told everyone, and they all nodded. We walked around, inspecting the views from the room next door's window, and as we talked, I heard Metty's guardian's name was Preston, and Makenna seemed to have the hugest crush on him. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Makenna's gay. Like me.

"Look at this spread. How many immortals do you think will eat this?" I asked, looking at the bread and fruit spread across the table in the centre of the room.

"Very few, if they're hunters" Metty lowered her voice so Makenna and I could only just hear her, along with Preston.

"Exactly" I replied just as quietly.

"So what district do you lot come from?" Metallica asked, surverying us. Makenna turned from the window, giving me a look to be careful. I nodded at him.

"I'm from District Twelve, with Makenna, Ben and Quincy. Also James" I told her. "Though my home country is Ancient Greece" A grin spread across her face.

"So is mine. We're from District Three, but my counterpart isn't here currently. His name is Marcus" She said sadly. I nodded, I'd seen their Reaping on TV on the train. She and a boy with messy brown hair and demon wings had been picked out.

"My counterpart is-" I was cut off in midsentence by someone picking me up and almost squeezing the life out of me.

"Ow" I muttered as I was put down.

"Was that necessary?" Metallica frowned. I coughed and stood to see who almost killed me.

"JAMES!" I exploded. "YOU BASTARD!!!" He grinned sheepishly and I glared at him.

"Oh wonderful" Preston muttered.

"I would love to stay here and watch World War Three" Metty interrupted. "But it appears that people are going downstairs now" I nodded, and all of us headed down.

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