6: Magicia: Chariot of Faith

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Metty joined a boy at her chariot, and I watched as he offered a hand, which she gratefully accepted and stepped up. Quite the lady...

"Magicia?" Makenna poked me. I turned and looked at him.

"I hope you're not ashamed of your attire?" He questioned. I snapped my fingers, and immediately my dress turned into a long black gown and my eyes lined with kohl. My hair was loose and the dress subtly glowed around the bottom like live coals. James stared at me openly.

"You look stunning" He managed as I stepped up with Makenna's help.

"Thank you" I smiled at him warmly and turned to the front. Everyone else was in their chariot by now, but no one looked ridiculous with their chariot outfits because the beauticians hadn't been doing their work. I'd come up with this design ages ago, but in the districts the non mortals didn't want to draw attention to themselves. James stepped up beside me, but Makenna was the one who placed his hands on my waist. He'd changed into a black suit, and Quincy was at my shoulder. Ben was sticking his head out the side of the chariot.

"You look beautiful" Makenna smiled, and I grinned at him as the chariots rolled out. The crowds cheered loudly enough to be mistaken for thunder, and as the screens focused on us, I gave Makenna a grin. He was visible to the crowd, and they all screamed at the sight of two guys in a chariot, along with a girl as well.

We rolled into the Tribute Centre Circle, where the President made a speech in behalf of the Capitol and we all didn't care. Then, the chariots rolled inside and we headed to our rooms. The District Twelve tributes had rooms on the top floors, very fancy ones as well.

"This is... weird" Makenna was turning around and around in circles in the centre of the room as I flopped onto the bed.

"No shitaki mushrooms, sherlock" I muttered, giving him a look. I didn't want to be stuck here.. ugh. Bored, bored bored. I rolled onto my stomach and glared at the wall.

"Magicia, can we get a jar of peanut butter?" Makenna asked. I nodded, not particularly caring as he ordered.

"Here" He sat on the edge of my bed, and handed me a sandwich. I took it grudgingly, and bit into it. Ham, cheese and tomato... something I hadn't had in years.

"Thanks" I sighed. "I'm just... nervous? I don't know. I don't want to lose you guys, or Metallica. We're friends" Makenna nodded, eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon.

"Magicia, you have to stop worrying. You're going to make yourself ill. We'll survive this, I promise" The look on his face wasn't convincing.

"Yeah, sure" I sighed, and curling up on my side, fell asleep...

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