9: Magicia: Just A Demigod...

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When I woke that night after the evacuation, I opened my eyes to darkness. I could hear Makenna snoring slightly on one of the rafters, and Ben and Quincy were curled up together on the fluffy rug on the floor. After deciding MI got out of bed silently, and grabbed a jumper and jeans, and shoes, pulling them on. My hair was short but was sticking out in all directions and looked like I'd stuck my finger in a power socket. I grabbed a brush and managed to make it look reasonable, and then headed out into the corridor, shutting the door silently behind me so the others didn't wake up.

I walked around for a bit, bored out of my mind. The top floor was lit up by the moonlight coming through the windows, and everything looked like black and white with the light. But getting bored very soon, I headed upstairs to the rooftop garden.

When I got up there, though, there was already someone there. A girl with long black hair braided back in a similar fashion to an angel I'd met a few years ago, and she wore a black long sleeved top and black pants. She had white feathered wings at her back which were currently folded down.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice had cold notes in it, I'd admit. But she sounded more curious than angry.

"I couldn't sleep. Makenna was snoring too much" I told her. She chuckled.

"You should hear Balthazar" She turned around and a slight smile graced her lips before swiftly disappearing.

"Hey, I placed a strong warding spell on the door. You shouldn't have been able to come out here" She glared at me. "How did you get through?"

"I'm the Sage of Magic" I answered. Wow, it had been a long time since I had used that title. "I can get over almost any magic barrier"

"Oh" She calmed down. "Well, Magicia, I'm Azazel, Higher Fallen angel of death and it's maybe not a pleasure to meet you as we're supposed to fight to the death in less than a week" She had brown eyes, filled with a rainbow of emotions, and her skin was tanned. She was about 5" 6" and wore simple black hunting gear.

"I suppose so" I answered. We stood in silence for a minute.

"So what drew you upstairs?" She stopped the silence with a question.

"I feel free in the wind. I love flying, it's one of the only things that allows me to be moderately free, where I don't have to listen to anyone or anything, when I can just be." Her smile told me she understood the freedom of the sky.

"Yes, I suppose we do" She said thoughtfully. "I bid farewell to you, sage" She walked toward the stairs, and was gone. She'd used inner dimension teleportation, I thought. I turned to the streets, approaching the edge. The streets were lit up, filled to the brim with people and lights and fairs. What kind of boredom causes someone to decide there will be a murdering games every year? Didn't they think there were enough casualties in the war? What the hell causes someone to make a decision like that? I wondered as I stared down at the festivities. I spread my wings, enjoying the feel of the cool night air on them. Then, someone jumped on me, and I whirled around and punched them. It was Makenna.

"Magicia!" He complained. I groaned.

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