Breathe Me (Part 15)

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Alice POV

"Jasper, I'm scared." I clutched his fingers with mine, breathing heavily and trying to keep our footsteps in rhythm.

"Everything's going to be fine babe." He had a discrete smile and stared ahead to the large doctors office. Everything seemed to be spinning as we waited in line, our names were called, and as we were pulled to the back room.

"So, Alice! How far along are you?" The cheery nurse smiled a bright fake smile towards me.

"Um, 10 weeks..I think." I folded my hands over my stomach, as to hold my baby. Jasper took one of my hands and held it too his lips, trying to calm me down.

"Alrighty then! Lets try to get an ultrasound so we can hear that little guy's heartbeat." She smothered a clear blue gel over my stomach and took a monitor and rubbed it around, the whole room seemed so quiet for hours, but then suddenly the sound of a heartbeat exploded through the room, I couldn't help but smile so proudly. My baby, safe and okay.

"Oh my." The nurse whispered to herself.

I felt Jasper's hand tense up, something was terribly wrong.

"There's two babies." She swirled the wand around my stomach to assure herself.

"tw-tw-two?" I stammered, Pregnant..with twins?

"Looks like it! Here look here." She pointed towards the screen, two tiny heartbeats were flickering across the small black and white screen.

Jasper was whispering, "Twins..." He seemed so utterly shocked, yet excited. I knew that he was going to be an amazing father, if the babies were okay.

I suddenly burst into tears, so overwhelmed just knowing that I was going to be an incubator for two lives for 7 more months seemed impossible. These two lives depended on me for everything, and I wasn't going to ever let them down, ever.

The nurse decided to wrap things up, she wiped all the gooey gel off of my stomach, printed out our ultrasound pictures and handed them to Jasper.

"Congratulations." She smiled at the both of us and handed me a tissue.

"Thank you." I sniffled and took Jasper's hand as we walked back out into the crowded parking lot and into the yellow Porsche.


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