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A fairy performed on stage. But she wasn't any normal fairy.

She was a particularly interesting and fascinating fairy.

She was the strangest fairy you'd ever meet.

Why, you wonder.

Before I tell you that, I'll tell you about this world.

This world is inhabited by mythical creatures such as pixies and dragons, but they're not important right now.

We're discussing fairies.

One of the most common mythical creatures, they are humanoid beings with wings and the ability to wield magic.

They are classified into four types:

Spring fairies, they are like the season of spring. Spring is the most pleasant season. There is natural greenery everywhere, all the trees and plants get new leaves and new flowers bloom all around, there are birds all around chirping and singing songs and is very pleasing and enjoyable.

Likewise, spring fairies are the most pleasant fairies. They are kind-hearted and compassionate. Their powers specialize in nature and plants. They also can create a pleasant and calming atmosphere and communicate with birds.

Summer fairies, like their spring sisters, are also similar to their season, summer. Summer is the hottest season of the year. It has a lazy atmosphere to it. Whether humans, animals or birds all become very irritated of the season.

Summer fairies have the power to control heat and fire. Their powers allow them to create a lazy atmosphere. They are often irritating, hot headed and passionate. However, we can say that the summer fairies are not as bad as they look. They are just like any other season.

Autumn fairies also resemble their season, the season of autumn or fall. Autumn brings cool winds and helps us get relieved from the intense heat. The climate gradually starts cooling down and is generally pleasant.

Autumn fairies are chill and are generally not easily angered. In this season, the leaves change color. Similarly, autumn fairies change their personalities quite often. Autumn is also the season of yummy treats like pie. Autumn fairies are excellent cooks.

And now for the last types of fairies, winter fairies. Winter is the coldest season and not many people like it. Winter fairies are like that. They are cold and frosty and unliked by many people. However, they are as beautiful as snowflakes, which is to say they're quite beautiful.

The realm they live in is called Naira. It is a gorgeous place, divided into 4 seasons.

In the middle, where they all meet is Naira Academy for Gifted Seasons. (NAGS)

Naira itself is a peaceful place, with all living in harmony. One might even say it looked like a fairy wonderland.

Now, why did I tell you all of this?

Well, you need to know about where our characters live of course.

Now, back to the fairy on stage. Her performance was most unique. Flowers spouted from one hand, snow from another. Flames licked her feet.

Her name was Kendra. And she was a mix of all the seasons.

AN: The photo at the beginning of the chapter is Kendra.

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