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our shoes slipped off at the door and we walked into my dark room. bruce nearly collapsed onto my bed without a thought, and i grabbed a blanket for myself. after unclasping the silver hook connecting both ends my choker, i settled on the floor of my room. it was awkwardly silent, but i knew i wasn't getting any sleep tonight anyways.

** time skip to the morning **

vance spent his night in and out of sleep, possibly the worst he'd ever felt. as the sun lit up his dark room, vance got off the floor and walked to the kitchen. he poured a glass of water for bruce and placed it on his bedside table. as he waited for bruce to wake up, he walked to his bathroom to take a shower.

bruce woke up to the sound of pouring water and the warm smell of steam. his head was throbbing as he looked around the unfamiliar room. it was much messier than his own, but he found a set of hangers with two sweatshirts hung up. one was his own, and the other read "HOPPER" in bold graphic letters. vance?

bruce wasn't even sure if vance was at the party last night, and much more concerned why he was laying in his bed. suddenly, the water from the bathroom turned off. bruce looked around the room until vance came back and saw him awake. "oh hi.. how are you feeling?"

bruce rubbed his forehead. "my head is throbbing and my stomach hurts too." vance answered, "do you want some ibuprofen? there's water on the table for you." bruce nodded and grabbed the cup. he walked out to the living room and sat on the couch. vance walked up to him, handing him the medicine, and took a deep breath. he sat down next to bruce and began to fidget with his rings.

"bruce? do you remember last night?" he looked up confused. "not really.." vance continued, "well, when i got there, i saw tara kissing adam. i ran to go get you, but before we walked out, you saw them kiss too. i just decided to bring you here, i knew your parents we're probably going to be pissed. i tried to ask if you were upset.. but you said you never really liked tara and laughed it off?"

bruce felt his stomach sink. as the memories came flooding back, he looked down and wrapped his arms around his knees. "oh.." but, in that moment, it was as if a spell was casted over bruce. as he looked to vance's blue eyes, he felt safe. like he could tell him anything. vance looked up, locking their eyes, and looked confused. "bruce are you okay?" before he new it, bruce just started talking.

"vance, i don't even know what i am. i think i'm supposed to like tara..but.. i can't. after we went to grab n go, she leaned in and i thought she was going to kiss me, but.. i barely felt anything. i just felt, scared, like i froze. i don't even know what i would have done if she kissed me."

silence fell over the room. bruce looked away and rested his head on his arms. "well, what you do if i kissed you?" vance blurted out. after the words registered in his head, vance covered his mouth and backed away from bruce into the corner of the couch. "oh my god- i didn't mean that bruce i swear i-"

but he was interrupted by the touch of bruce's lips pressed against his. vance was pulled in by his collar, bruce practically on top of him as he stretched over to the couch to reach his lips. before vance could think, he kissed back, pressing his palm against bruce's cheek. bruce steadied himself onto one arm and wrapped his fingers in vance's curls, brushing through each one.

after a few seconds, bruce broke the kiss, studying vance's stunned face. a matching pink tint was spread across their faces. "holy shit-" he started before vance interrupted, "well, who knew mr.goodytwoshoes was interested in vance hopper?" bruce rolled his eyes and scoffed, a smile stretching across his face.

"well actually, you're quite the-" while bruce continued to babble, vance cupped his cheek and kissed him again. the words drained from his mind as bruce kissed back, still hovering above vance. his lips tasted like smoke to bruce, but he didn't really care.

the kiss to vance would forever feel so, right. he couldn't think of anything else in the world except bruce. after vance broke the kiss, bruce untangled his hand from the back of his blonde hair. they both looked almost a shade of bright crimson.

bruce stayed above vance, too nervous to move. eventually, vance broke the silence between them. "i've kept almost every note you know?" the first way they ever talked, bruce had kept the ones he had too. "you did?"

"yes. every single one."

ok guys that's the end of the story☹️☹️☹️ ngl i kinda lost motivation at some parts and i was trying to focus on school work so i'm sorry for that but thank you for all the support ily guys😍😊🫶😆🤗

also update i never pulled an eddie kaspbrack so yay go me!!😂😂😊😊🙏🙏

907 words

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