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hi guys this one is probably going to be a little short but we'll see!!🤗🤗

the second i got home i ran straight though the kitchen and up to my room. sitting on the edge of my bed, i lowered my back and faced upwards to stare at the ceiling, with nothing left to think about. i had already come up with every possibility as to why i wasn't good enough for bruce.. and why he would choose her instead.. and it just came down to me.

i was the one who went along with the fucking plan. i was the one who shoved bruce off of me and said those words.

i was the one who didn't stop adam and sam from hurting the boy i love.

tears filled my eyes and everything went blurry. before i knew it, my hands were planted on top of my eyes, trying to stop them from crying even more. i didn't know what to do. it's so much easier to push bruce away than to face what i did.

my heart was throbbing now. it was so close to real physical pain that a light bruise mark the shape of my hand was now pressed against my chest after trying to stop it from hurting. i'm so pathetic. am i really this stupid, crying over bruce?

i walked out of my room to the kitchen mirror, looking towards the clear reflection. the one across from me didn't look like mine though, instead it showed a faint shadow of my replacement, tara. we even looked the same.

she had blonde hair and blue eyes, except she wasn't as tall as me, and her face wasn't red from crying. tara also seemed perfect for bruce, unlike me. i don't think he's ever even had a girlfriend before,
i mean maybe they're already dating now. well whatever, why did i care?

tara seemed kinda nice though i guess. she did invite me to her little sisters birthday party but i don't think i'm going. maybe bruce will be there. i could try apologizing? i knew sam and adam weren't going, so maybe for once in my life, this was my perfect opportunity to make things right.

guys so i feel like i'm making too many parts to this but i love brance drama!! so just lmk if you guys want me to end it (no not that kind of end it silly i meant the book🤣😂🤣😂🙏) anyways!!

416 words

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