Chapter 8: The Ballad of the Frostbitten

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After Zubin faded out from the void in which Francisca was currently in, a dimension of Francisca's own came to fruition. It wasn't the same one that Zubin saw. Zubin awoke in the room where he was placed by the likings of Hyness's within the attempt at rebirthing the Jambastion religion. Francisca's however, was something completely different. Instead of a normal room, her location was in the halls of the used-to-be Fortress of Shadows; the Three Mage Sisters' previous residency.

Well, this brings back memories. The Fortress of Shadows. Our religion's home. And our old home as well. The overuse use of black and purple sting me now though, even though I love the colors in general now. It just reminds me that I wasted my life here for 5 years. Ugh...

I feel a strive to move deeper into the halls somehow. Like, someone's calling me. Or maybe someone is there? Who could it be in the connection between Zubin's mentality and me and my two sisters? ...It's most likely them now that I think about it. The feeling of pulling me there feels like they're personally taking my hand and trying to guide me.

Well, if it's them, then why not see them? I started to move forward through the halls of each room by room. Everything seems the same as it was back at our old home, but now that I take a look at everything, everything slowly started to gain the color of a grey scale. The purple, black, and glowing red starts to lose their respective hue in exchange for a blank gray. As it increased, so does the chilly feeling within these rooms.

...I hope Zubin's doing okay. I hope he comes through with my request so that we can be free. Though, knowing him, I think that he wants more than to just fulfill my request for our eternal rest. Something that will benefit us too other than the rest.

Though at this point, nothing is better. The ritual is on a green light and the only thing that Zubin can do now is to interfere and stop us from regaining our dependency on Hyness. The only thing we can do now is to wait. Until we either become eternal slaves to darkness or gain freedom. Depressing, I know, but I don't see a positive that much in this situation besides the latter half of what could happen. Even if Zubin was nice to be with...

I hope he's okay.

The next place I walk into is the bridge connecting the Jambandra Base with the Divine Terminus, the main altar for the summoning of Void Termina. Wait...what? Weren't we just at the Jambastion? The base and the Jambastion are two separate places, contrary to popular belief. So, why am I here?

I guess I'll move forward then. I remember this area of the base. I specifically remember a moment on the bridge that's still clear to me. Even after all this time away. It was the ceremony for when I and my sisters were to become official generals. I remember Hyness at the time. He a goofy dad to be honest. I've seen my share at Ostracine while I felt envious that other kids had parents that loved them, but we didn't have one. We had each other, which could only go so far as to how complete it felt after we found out other kids had moms and dads.

Hyness had fulfilled that role for us at first. He found me first, and the moment that we interacted, I felt...protected. Cared about. Not like when Zan or Flamberge stood by me, but Hyness stood...over me. I thought that this was what having a good father was. It felt right. And when Flamberge and Zan were found, it felt more complete. A father and his three daughters. For me, it felt like this was a giant vacation that was mesmerizing to the three of us, sunshine, sand, and all. But the difference is that according to him, we had the opportunity for it to not end.

He explained that he found us because we were destined to be generals for his religion other than sheer kindness. Element bearers that were loyal to the lords above. We were very skeptical at first. And by "we" I meant Flamberge and me. Zan already made our decision for us. She said we would do it because Hyness had saved our lives. We are in forever debt to Hyness himself, and, Hyness explained that if we did become element bearers, we would enforce the magic that was now pumping through our veins, a side effect of the life support Hyness was using on us after he rescued us.

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