Chapter 6.5: Search and Retrieval

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WIthin the streets of Ardentus...with a new character.

"We spent the last few hours of the day descending the tower and making our way towards the town again."

Ardentus was a place I didn't expect to be searching for one of the three Jamba generals of magic, but when you're tasked with doing it at birth by a priest who made you, you kinda have to take the task whether you like it or not. The town wasn't a big bustling city from what I'd heard from books or the other deacons of our group, but it wasn't quiet. All the people walking around holding umbrellas, the lit-up shops that lined the streets displaying all kinds of stuff, the fluorescent street lights putting a yellow tint on everything, the street vendors and performers that went solo or with an audience, it was an atmosphere that was unique that none of us had ever seen before.

Oh! I should introduce myself! One of the other deacons told me that it's good for your mental health if you introduce yourself mentally and go about your day as is. Ok, um... My name's Kymil. I'm a part of the religious Jamba cult that worships Void Termina... whoever that is. I was made yesterday, which makes the whole "introduction" thing I don't know what to say about myself so let's move on. I'm sorry-




A feeling went through me... It was sudden. It was like, a whole combination of an ice aura, a flame aura, and a shocking aura flying through my body at the moment that one boy I saw carrying a large black bag passed me on the street. Wait! Those were the elements of the generals that we were looking for! I should sneak along with the boy and then I'll see when he dozes off somewhere, and then I'll call the others, and then-!

Wait, what if I'm wrong? What if we kidnap the wrong person or have the boy all wrong? What if Hyness witnesses our failure? What if-

Oh, wait. I have a spell that'll confirm it. Let's go with that.

I made a sharp u-turn and walked behind the teen while raising my hands which had dimly lit dark magic coursing through their skin. With my hands, I clenched one of them, focusing and harnessing the magic fused inside to perform the spell Hyness taught us. Once I felt that all my magic had made it into my hand far enough, I shot out the magic throughout the entire area while mainly focusing on the boy. Once the magic shockwave reached him, I saw it. Three silhouettes of young women float alongside the boy in the colors blue, red, and yellow. Each of them had a different hairstyle and the location they were along with the boy as well as their gestures. There's no doubt about it. These were all the people we were looking at her. Hyness is gonna love this. Especially after 3 months of searching, with no success at Barrenus, Vexine, or even Ostracine. Hyness will be pleased.

I walked across the street to the opposite end of where the generals and the boy were walking and prepared another spell to call my team. I wouldn't be able to do this without their help after all. I only engulfed two of my fingers this time with the dark magic and simply pressed them together to mentally communicate with the other deacons.


KYMIL: Guys, I have some news.

JOE: Please don't tell me you got sidetracked again.

MAERALYA: Hey! Don't blame Kymil for those places in Ostra, Bar, and Vex! Those places had good stuff!

JOE: Our job here is to be seekers. Not to be tourists.

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