The Protection

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It was the end of the school day and Gumball and Darwin were chatting with each other as they went outside.

To their surprise, Anais was already outside waiting for them.

"Hey, sis!" Gumball greeted her and continued walking, expecting her to follow.

"Hey, guys. I just came to let you know that I'm staying behind to do some extra work on a group project."

"A group project?" Darwin asked.

She nodded. "Yeah. Don't worry about waiting for me though, Jamie said she'll walk me home."

Gumball raised his eyebrow, a little suspicious as he knew she didn't get on well with her classmates.

Hmmm...I suppose Mr Corneille could have made her stay behind... Gumball thought to himself.

Gumball shrugged. "Well...alright then, we'll see you later. Have fun!"

Anais smiled back weakly. "I will, bye!"

They turned and waved as they walked away.

Once they were gone her face and ears fell and she let out a whimper. "If only any of that were true..."

She turned and reluctantly walked back inside.


A while later Gumball and Darwin were back at home and chatting on the sofa when they heard the front door open.

Anais slowly walked in wearing a pair of sunglasses and a long coat which was way too big for her, so completely covered her body.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"Uhhh... hey..." Gumball greeted her with confusion.

"Sorry I took so long, we had a lot to do."

"That's fine. So uh, why the coat?" Darwin asked confused.

"Oh, I was cold so I borrowed it from lost and found."

"And...the sunglasses?" Gumball asked.

"I err...have a headache and the light was making it worse."

The boys looked at each other, not believing what she was saying.

Gumball looked back. "Okay, do you want me to get you some painkillers?"

"Oh, uh, no thanks it's mostly gone now."


Darwin smiled. "So, did the project go well?"

"Hmm? Oh, err, yeah it went great."

She began to shake, getting nervous that they weren't believing her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, concerned about how weird she was acting.

She nodded. "Y-yeah, just a little cold still, plus I'm pretty worn out from the project so I'm gonna go take a nap."

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