The Thunderstorm

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It was the middle of the night as the Watterson kids slept.

Outside, a storm was beginning to brew, the sky darkening.

A Baby Anais was asleep in her cot, dreaming of Daisy the Donkey when suddenly...


She shot up woken up by a loud noise and a flash of light outside.

She looked outside the window trying to see what it was but couldn't see anything wrong so laid back down.

She listened to the rain outside, trying to fall asleep.


She shot up again, her eyes widening, looking around frantically.


She hid under her blanket, only peeking out from the top and she began to shake.

She had no idea what was going on and was starting to get really scared. She'd never experienced anything like this before.

She slowly pulled the blanket down as she shook in fear and turned to look at the window, hoping it was over.


She jolted back under the cover again, fully covering herself.

She hugged her doll and started to tear up and shake even more as she became even more frightened.


She jumped and let out a small yelp, starting to quietly sob and hugged her doll tighter.

Nothing seemed to happen for a short while. Was it over?

She decided to brave peeking over the cover again.

Shaking violently she slowly moved the cover down and forced herself to look over.


She let out a slightly louder yelp, hid back under the cover again and started to cry, terrified.

Meanwhile, Gumball was also woken up by the storm. He groaned and turned over to try and get back to sleep when he heard a quiet yelp from over in the corner.


He turned back around and listened harder.


He heard a yelp and crying quietly coming from over where Anais was and put two and two together.

He pulled off his covers and slowly walked over to Anais.

He saw she was holding her blanket tightly over her and shaking violently and could hear her sobbing.

"Ani?" he asked softly.


She yelped again and started crying harder.

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