Things fall apart

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I wake up, get ready and head to the main area where everyone is hanging out. "What's up camp Cretaceous!" Darius says joyfully. "Not happy after what happened yesterday" kenji says. "Well it's your fault that you crashed the gryosphere and had to walk back" I add. We all start talking until Brooklyn comes into the room mad.

"Brooklyn, what's new on the internet super star." Says yas. " I wouldn't know because when I went to take my phone off the charger it wasn't there. Someone took my phone!" Brooklyn says with anger. "Brooklyn who hasn't had your phone" yas say. We all start saying the reasons we used her phone. "I haven't seen it either" Sammy says hesitatingly. "Really" Brooklyn says in disbelief. "Hey hey it's ok since we're not going kayaking til later we have plenty of time to look for your phone." Darius says try to calm the tension. "Oh I think I know exactly where to look" Brooklyn says starring directly at Sammy. "I also think who ever took the phone might be trying to hide something on it... what do you think, Sammy." Brooklyn says while walking over to her. "Um what" Sammy says confused. "Hey what's your deal she said she hasn't seen it ever think you could have just lost the stupid thing." Yas says defensive. "Hm, well then let's check her bags and test that theory." Brooklyn says while walking to the rooms but yas steps in front of her.

"You do not get to go through an ones stuff I don't care how famous you think you are!" Yas says mad. "Brooklyn I did not" Sammy starts to talk but is cut off by Darius. "Brooklyn, guys, come on we can't be this upset over a phone. Let's make the most of this opportunity, this is Jurassic World it's- it's" Darius say but is cut off by a strange roar. "What was that" Brooklyn questions. "A T. rex" Kenji try's to answer. "Definitely not" I reply. "Then what dinosaurs did it sound like?" Ben asks. "I don't know I've never heard anything like it" I reply. "Can you tell if it's friend or foe" Ben ask nervously. "Don't worry Ben it's probably just them moving a dinosaur into containment." I say trying to comfort him but the truth is it was definitely a foe. "Maybe we could see it from the observation tower!" Darius says with excitement. "Wow that's a great idea Darius what are we waiting for!" Sammy says quickly. We all start to head towards the elevator except for Ben but eventually he comes along.

"The gates are locked" I say. "Oh wow that's to bad I guess we should just go back before we get caught." Ben says with hope. "Wait where is everyone. There's normally people here" Kenji says. I look around noticing he's right. "If we're doing this... then we might as well do this" Brooklyn says as she unlocks to gate with a hair pin. We start walking towards the stairs. "Last ones up a rotten egg!" Sammy says with excitement. She soon regrets that as she realizes how many stairs there are.

"Is anyone else hot" Sammy says while panting. "Ok... no... more... stairs." Kenji says while panting. "Eh it wasn't that bad my brother makes me run this every morning" I say but they all look at me like I'm crazy. "Thats insane" Kenji says but I just shrug it off. Suddenly we hear heavy foot steps and walk over to the railing to see what it was. "There's something out there" Brooklyn says. "Something big" Darius finishes. Through the trees we can see a brachiosaurus and we all sigh. "It's justa brachiosaurus" jas says. "Great mystery solved we should head back now." Ben says "but that doesn't make any sense brachiosauruses don't roar like that" Darius says with suspicion. "Yea Darius is right." I add. Before anyone can say anything else we heard to guys below us yelling. "What are they saying" I ask. "Great we're all in trouble" Ben says. Suddenly the brachiosaurus falls and my eyes go wide. "What the-" I start but out a no where a dinosaur come out of the trees and eats the guys below is. "It got them!" Ben yells while freaking out.

"Dr. Wu's lab. There was a dinosaur. The In-" Brooklyn say but cut off by Sammy. "Indominus Rex" Sammy say with a pail face. I stiffen at the sound of that name. "How do you know that?" Brooklyn questions. "But there's no dinosaur named Indominus Rex" Darius states. "Not until now" I say stiffly. They all look at me confused. "Look there no time for that we need to go now!" I say. "Up here is safe down there isn't." Kenji say with a shaky voice. "It's safe for now but in a second it won't be" I say urging them to leave. Almost like the dino heard me the Indominus Rex turned around and starred at us. "It sees us!" Ben yells out of panic. The Indominus Rex charges at us and hits the beams of the platform. "The zip line go, go, go!" Darius yells. We all rush over towards the zip line. Ben is the first to get strapped in. "I can't!" He yells out a fright. Kenji runs over and pushes him down the zip line. Next is Sammy, then kenji, then Brooklyn, then yas. Just before I was about to go the zip line stopped.

"I have an idea. Your strong right like really really strong." Darius says with shaky breaths. "What are you doing" I say with confusion. "Catch me" he yells right before he runs and jumps towards me. I catch him and we move down the zip line towards the others. "It's working!" He yells. Suddenly the zip line breaks and we all start falling. We all yell and fall towards the trees. "Makayla!" Darius yells as he reaches out towards me. Right before we hit the trees he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. I hit the trees back first and start tumbling from there. We end up falling on a hill and rolling down it. The only thing that stops the others from rolling is a tree or each other. I wasn't so lucky I roll into a rock with Darius rolling onto me and black out.

When I wake up I see Darius getting up beside me and groaning. "Is everyone ok" I ask. Everyone looks at me and nods their head. "The better question is are you ok?" Darius ask. "Of course never better." I say with sarcasm. I try to get up but feel a sharp pain in my back and wince. Darius looks over at me with worried eyes and says "That didn't seem like fine to me." He helps me stand up and walk towards the others. Everyone starts talking about different things but I don't pay attention I'm to focused on the pain in my back. "Wait my necklace! I left it back at camp." Darius realizes. "We've got slightly bigger problems than that right now" kenji says. "We have to run now!" Sammy adds.

We all start running back in the direction we think camp is in but when we get there it's destroyed. We come across multiple huge foot prints. I find a tree to lean on until the pain settle. Yas finds a radio but it's broken. "We're on our own." Yas says out loud. A moment of silence passed before Brooklyn breaks it. "Give me my phone!" She yells at Sammy. "I don't care about you sneaking into Dr. Wu's lab, I don't care about whatever you did with the skin sample you took from the sinoceratops!" Brooklyn yells. "What?" Yas questions. "I don't even care that you stole it now! All I want to do is call for help! Where is it?!" Brooklyn yells. "Uh. I... I... I don't know what your talking about." Sammy says. Something about the way she stuttered didn't sit right with me. "Skin samples? Sneaking into labs? You made up some crazy thing in your head!" Sammy says defensively. "Hey back off. Not everything revolves around you and your phone! It's isn't Sammy's fault that you lost it!" Yas says helping Sammy out. After that everyone but me and Darius break out into arguments. Darius walks away sadly, I get up and walk towards him not caring about everyone else. "My necklace" he says while looking up at the old camp. "It really meant a lot to you huh?" I replied back. Before he could say anything we hear Ben yell. "No one is getting out of here! We just saw people get eaten! We're alone, we're defenseless... we're dead." Ben says. Everyone goes silent. I look at Darius and he looks back at me.

"We're not giving up!" He say confidently. "I get it, it's scary, this isn't how things were supposed to be. But life doesn't always go your way. Life is messy and sometimes things fall apart but that's ok because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up." Darius says. "What about your necklace" Brooklyn ask. "It's not important. I've got the memories right here." Darius say while putting his hand over his heart. "What do we do?" Yas questions. "We get south to the park and get help. The only way we'll make it is if we do it together." Darius says. "Sounds like a plan to me." I add. "We could just let go back into the jungle" Ben says. "You can stay and wait for the baby sitters but I'm going with Darius." Kenji says. "Wait really?" Darius says. "Dude there's no way I survived a dinosaur attack just to be taken out by cheap camp debris. Kenji ain't going out like that!" Kenji says with pride. "We're going south. The rest of you coming or what?" I say plainly. "I'm in" Brooklyn says following us. "We're in too." Yas say putting her arm over Sammy's shoulder and walking towards us. "Um guys." Ben says scared but ends up following us. While we're walking I hear a faint roar but chose to ignore it. I wish I didn't.

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