Chapter 17

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By the time christmas rolled around everything was starting to feel more and more dark and somber we all knew the war was closer then ever before the question was just about when it would break out Voldemort had showed himself the night Sirius died at the ministry no less in front of everyone that had just showed up to work

"I thought Percy didn't want to come this year" I said catching his displeasure he had gotten good at blocking me from his mind but his emotions were easy to catch mainly because he didn't know to block me on that point

"He isn't" Charlie said not looking up from his book I'd finally gotten him to read something that wasn't written by Newt Scamander though that came with him barely looking up from it again not wanting to put it down before he knew the ending

"Yeah he is him and someone else I can hear them walking up"

"And you're sure it's Perc and not just Bill and Fleur?" He asked cocking an eyebrow at me his mothers delighted shout answering his question

"We need to go upstairs and get ready" I said having caught snippets of the conversation outside grabbing the book wanting to get away from the shitshow that was about to happen


"We didn't know what you'd like so we went with a basket with a little bit of everything" I smiled watching Fleur unpack the present from Charlie and I we had only met her a few times so we had been stumped on what to give her when we found out th...

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"We didn't know what you'd like so we went with a basket with a little bit of everything" I smiled watching Fleur unpack the present from Charlie and I we had only met her a few times so we had been stumped on what to give her when we found out that she was coming over for christmas

"Thank you" She smiled seemingly happy with the basket of different things the store employee had recommended she had been more or less appalled all night by the lack of fancy things so I suspect the fancier looking present had assured her that the rustic look of the Weasley home didn't mean that they were all rural villigagers or maybe it was the fact that my mother and I clearly came from a richer family leaving me to look forward to the last present finally being opened so we could get on with the night and now that it finally had I could catch a break from the random thoughts that came with every one of them even with Ginny, Harry and Ron having gone to bed being the fist to get their present and bid us goodnight

"Don't even try it William" I warned knowing he was about to snatch the cookies that he had spotted in the basket

"Get out of my head we have had this talk a million times"

"Don't let me in your head it's far to easy"

"I will get my revenge"

"No you won't I'll see it coming" I smiled cockily knowing I had him

"Does Bill not pull rank on you getting engaged before you and all?" Fred teased thinking he had gotten me

"The only rank Bill pulls is being older I can not begin to describe how disappointed I am in everyones observation skills because it has been 6 months and one person has noticed without being told" Charlie said looking around the room waiting for the penny to drop my dad had noticed after 3 weeks when I was helping him cook dinner but everyone else had not noticed the quite flashy ring that had adorned my left ringfinger for the past 6 months

"Everybody quiet please" Dad said going to the window confusing everyone by his request leaving me to try and tune in to what he was hearing though I could hear nothing but the breathing of people in the room it wasn't until he cracked the window open a smidge that it hit me someone was here and a werewolf by the smell of it

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!... Are you coming to get me?" The next few minutes are a blur something just snapped inside me I was outside in a second I wasn't going for Bellatrix I went for someone less prepared someone who was standing watch I wasn't going to let him get away

"One word" I whispered having snuck up behind him

"Or what?"

"Your a little sweaty Gibbon my guess is your very hot right now one could say your boiling"

"Who are you? Why do you know my name"

"Why bother with formalities you'll be dead in a little moment anyway unless of course you're willing to give me the information that I want"

"I'll give you everything you want just don't kill me"

"That's what I thought now be a good boy and wait for me" I smiled sending him away to a place where he couldn't escape from


"Look we can do this the easy way or you can spit out the information you promised me" It had been hours of trying to get him to talk

"You were threatening to kill me" He spat trying to get out of the chair again

"I was boiling your blood I don't make threats it was a matter of seconds before you would have died"

"Sure you were"

"You don't wonder how I got into this room there's no door no opening nothing it's just an empty room with you and these chairs technically it isn't a room it's a negative space between walls"

"What are you? Dumbledores prodige?" There was a slight fear in his voice

"I've never met someone who's worst fear is an old man with regular wizard powers it really is fascinating"

"I never told you that"

"You didn't have to I'm in your head I know everything there is to know about you like how your mother used to lock you in the basement when you wouldn't listen or how I know you lied to the dark lord that you're a pureblood when really you're a muggle born and everyday your terrified that he'll find out and kill you for it but that would make him a hypocrite granted he is already but I find it peculiar that a half blood is starting a war to prove that pure bloods are better when his own mother fell in love with a muggle you know why he can't feel love? or pretty much anything? He was conceived under a love potion he can't feel anything but misery all he is, is a miserable man with nothing to do and you morons are dumb enough to follow what he says and don't start with him being the most powerful wizard to have ever lived you don't even believe that"

"We were sent to capture the Potter boy we've been trying all your but one of those order people are always around"

"There it is that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"You knew all along?"

"What part of me being in your head did you not get?"

"A legilimens can't see memories not without the subject knowing"

"I'm not a legilimens you know what I am you just won't say it" He swallowed hard terrified to look me in the eye at this point

"You can't be the last one died a long time ago"

"So you are lead to believe yet here I am in the flesh and I am not the only one"

"I'm not getting out of here am I?"

"You are you just won't know it you'll never know where you were for several hours it should be light outside by now"

"Just kill me now it can't be worse then what he'll do to me"

"What use would you be dead? I might need you in the future, this won't hurt one bit" I whispered erasing his memory of tonight leaving him back at the burnt out borrow

To capture a heart|Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now