Chapter 10

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I had been having a bad feeling for days like something bad was going to happen being cooped up inside didn't help there was a few days until the full moon so I had been with my dad Charlie being in the apartment 

"You okay Darling?" Dad asked as he joined me in the living room handing me a mug of wolfsbane 

"I've had this looming feeling for days now like something bad is going to happen like I had when we found out Wormtail was alive" I explained still clearly remembering the look on dads face when I showed him the picture of the Weasleys in the paper 


"What is Ron holding?" Dad asked 

"Scabbers his rat or well its Percys old rat that he got" I explained confused not understanding why he was so worked up all of a sudden

"How long did Percy have him for?" He asked

"I think he found him right after mum died" I said 

"Remember how I told you that James, Sirius and Peter became animagi to help me during my transformations?" He asked rummaging around a box of pictures on the bookshelf 

"Yeah but what does that have to do with Rons rat?" I asked getting more and more confused 

"This is the three of them in their animagi form" He gave me a picture and I immediately knew why he was so worked up 

"Padfoot was right" 


"It could just be the full moon looming lets not make a big thing out of something that could be a scraped knee " He reassured me   

"What if it is something big?" I asked 

"Then you'll see it"


"Dad get up it's Arthur he's been attacked" I yelled hammering on his door the morning after the full moon I was panicked having received an owl from Charlie containing no further information then that Arthur had been attacked during the night and that he needed me to come back to London as soon as I could

"What happened?" He asked embracing my crying and panicked frame that stood frozen outside his bedroom door

"I don't know Charlie didn't say anything other then that he had been attacked I need to go back to London" I said trying my best to calm down 

"I'll drive lets go you need to collect your thoughts before you get there and you're not strong enough to go anywhere by your own right now" He said following me to the car not wasting any time in getting us there

"What are you doing?" Dad asked watching me scribble away

"I learned that I could send notes with teleportation I just want Charlie to know that I'm on my way" I explained clutching the note in my hand concentration the best I could


Charlie was sleeping in a chair at his fathers bedside when a note appeared in his hand not that he noticed his mother however didn't she carefully took the note 

"What's that?" Bill asked seeing his mothers action 

"Its from Alexa she's on her way she's not strong enough to be teleport here right now Remus is driving her" She smiled knowing her presence meant the world to Charlie 

"I don't think I've seen him happier then he is when she's around" Ginny said looking over at her sleeping brother 

"You should have seen him when they weren't talking he barely functioned" Bill said remembering how his brother was whenever he visited him 


"You have got to stop pretending that she never was part of your life" Bill said watching as Charlie packed away every trace of his best friend

"I'm not pretending that she didn't exist I just can't look at her" Charlie said 

"You won't because you know why she had to keep it from you how many times have you read that letter by now so it's not that you can't look at her it's that you won't"  Bill argued slamming down the photo that Charlie had just packed away

"You won't because you know why she had to keep it from you how many times have you read that letter by now so it's not that you can't look at her it's that you won't"  Bill argued slamming down the photo that Charlie had just packed away

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"Did you know that she hasn't left her room since then, she is just as broken as you are over this, don't you think she wanted to tell you?" 

"It doesn't matter she lied and she kept lying we knew what her mother was I asked her if that meant she was one to and she lied" Charlie yelled back 

"She had a reason"


"Bill can you go meet her and bring her up she should be here any second now I don't want to wake up Charlie" Molly said looking at her watch 

"Of course " He smiled leaving the room needing a little fresh air anyways 

"Bill what happened?" Lex asked running to meet him engulfing him in a hug

"They found him in the department of mysteries Harry said he was attacked by a snake we don't know much right now he's still out" Bill explained

"Everyone is still upstairs Charlie is sleeping he was the first one here along with mum so they've been up all night" Bill said as he followed Lex and Remus upstairs

"How are you doing?" Remus asked as he embraced Molly while his daughter went to her boyfriend carefully waking him up who never said a word and just took her into his arms holding her tighter then ever before wanting no harm to come to her like it had come to his father 

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