Chapter 6

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"I can touch you now " The familiar cackle stricked fear in my body

The white finger that touched what could only be Harry's scar and I could hear Harry scream

I despratly tried looking for any sign of where they were

Tom Riddle


I teleported to the graveyard where the Riddle family lay buried hoping that I wasn't to late but I was the scene from my vision was palying out right infront of me I snuck closer waiting for the best time to step in I needed to keep Harry safe and the best way to do that was to make sure that the man giving the orders was distracted  

I knew Harry could fend for himself but I wanted Voldemort gone but I still needed Harry to get back to Hogwarts alive 

I had to sheild my eyes as Harry and Voldemorts spells met 

"Do nothing. He is mine to finish. He's mine" Voldemort cackled 

The people his wand had killed showed up around I had to hold back a scream as I saw my mother appear but she wasn't looking at Harry she was looking at me giving me a wink and I instantly knew this was my chance

"Lexa now" She smiled as Harry broke the connection and began to run back to the dead boy 

I appered where Harry had just been blocking Voldemorts spell from going anywhere with one hand making a ball of energy with the other waiting for him to take a moment to cast another curse my way he knew the killing curse does nothing 

"Silly girl your little wandless magic can't beat me and my loyal followers" He laughed evilly gesturing to the people behind him

"I'm afraid that your loyal followers are taking a nap" I smirked having put the entire group to sleep before I even stepped out the shadows

"Who are you?" He raged looking at the pile of sleeping people behind him

"Your worst nightmare" I smiled as he let out a scream of anger throwing a crusiatis curse my way hitting me right in the cheast I screamed and floated of the ground causing him to laugh

"You're weaker then your mother" He cackled figuring out just what I was

"And you're dumber then you look" I smirked overvealming his head with voices increasing the presure in his head erasing myself from his memory he would know he fought me but my apperance that would be gone from his memory I would be nothing more than a ghost to him


I snuck into the hospital wing of Hogwarts wanting to check on Harry and make sure that he got back in one piece not that I did much sneaking being invisible made it easier and everyone had already gone back to their rooms there was nothing but empty hallways the challange was finding the hospital wing but I found it soon enough

Finding Harry's cot was easy enough I just had to listen for Mollys yelling and fussing over Harry

"Stop sneaking around mini moon" Sirius said as I closed the curtain after I entered the little cubical they had made

"I wasn't sneaking around" I said making myself visible

"How did you know what was happening?" Harry asked before anyone could say anything else

"I had a vision I hoped that I had gotten it in time but I was late" I said giving him an apologetic smile 

"How did you do those things with your hands?" He asked seemingly having a million questions

"This?" I asked making my hand arupt in blue flames

"Yeah but with lightning" He said reaching over to touch the flames making me close my hand so he wouldn't burn himself

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"Yeah but with lightning" He said reaching over to touch the flames making me close my hand so he wouldn't burn himself

"Energy. Did my dad ever teach you about mega-witches?" I asked looking more at Hermione for this one knowing she was more likely to have followed along in classes

"But the last one died" She started

"With James and Lily and no Alexa is the last mega-witch but to protect her no one knows about her powers except for the people who knew her from baby" Molly explained putting a hand on my shoulder and giving me a smile

"But won't he know now?" Harry asked his worry clear as day

"No the deatheaters were sleeping and I erased his memories of seeing me and overvealmed his mind with voices for all he and the deatheaters know he has gone insane or well more insane then he aldready is" I assured him patting his leg gently 

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked finally getting a chance to ask

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just a little sore and tired I had to let him hit me with a cusiatus curse to get the upperhand at the end but I can take it I just need to sleep and regain my full power again" I said yawning 

"Thank you for coming to save me" Harry smiled

"I should get home while I can I just wanted to make sure that you were okay after everything that happened tonight" I smiled hugging everyone goodbye teleporting back to my apartment collapsing on the couch 

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