Chapter ten

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"You what..?" Garroth was shocked at what he was told, aphmau stared down at the sand in front of her and forced back tears, "im sorry garroth..its just that..when you told me you liked me i froze..and didnt know what to say to you..and i guess without thinking i also said i liked you..when really..i like someone sor-" garroth put his hand up to hush her and stared down at the ground before him and sighed before responding..

"Its Aaron..isnt it.." he said, aphmaus eyes widened and she looked away slowly and said nothing..but it was true..she liked Aaron a lot..and she was Absolutely terrible at hiding it..she said nothing but just nodded slowly in agreement. Garroth sighed and put a hand on his forehead then groaned, "how could i be so stupid..? When you mentioned that he doesnt talk much i tossed that out the window and didnt pay attention to the other details.." he said, aphmau frowned and felt bad for leading her friend on.

"So does that mean..what you and katelyn were having a conversation about at school was about Aaron too?.." aphmau opened her mouth to say something but once again nothing came out so all she did was nod But this time garroth wasnt as suprised as soon as he knew the real truth. "Im sorry garroth..i hope you aren't upset at me for not being honest.." said aph, "i was having this talk with zane where he told me that i should be honest with myself and maybe tell you how i really feel instead of leading you on.."

"its alright aph, i'll still be here as your friend" he said with a smile, "and i'll even support you if you ever confess your feelings to Aaron..hes a great guy." Aphmau blushed a bit and kind of smiled just thinking about Aaron and nodded, "he is.." aphmau suddenly hugged Garroth and smiled a bit warmly as he gently hugged her back. "Thank you for understanding garroth..i might not love you romantically but..i will always love you as a friend.." garroth smiled more and gave her a gentle squeeze in the hug before letting go and rubbed her head.

"Go get 'em aph. We will all support you no matter what happens, maybe not sylvanna but you know, eric and everyone else will." Garroth said with a chuckle as aphmau giggled in response and nodded. She got up to go back to the house but stopped herself and hugged garroth one last time before running away, "see ya back at the house garroth!" He watched her run off and just waved and then went back to looking out to the ocean and took a deep inhale and exhale before closing his eyes.

Meanwhile Aphmau was still in the middle of running back to the house until she bumped into dante and fell backwards onto her butt, "ow.." she exclaimed, "sorry aph!" He said as he helped her up, "where ya running off to?" Aphmau started breathing heavily before she could even catch her breath, " find...Aaron.." she said through each high pitched gasp, dante raised an eyebrow before being suprised. "Ohhh, Aaron? Yeah uhm not sure where he went. Literally last time i saw him aside from him being chased down by sylvanna was a whole Hour ago."

Aphmau let out a deep yet tiring sigh mixed with a whine, "so you saw him an hour ago..?" She asked, dante nodded in response. "Well can you figure out WHERE you saw him last??" Aph said almost desperately, dante hummed in response and tried to think of where and when he last seen least 2 minutes passed and aphmau was getting even more impatient and desperate. "Oh! Now i know! He was at the roof of the house earlier before i left.  He was in the pool but not sure if hes there anymore." Just with little information about Aarons location made aphmau sprint off immediately towards the house.

Once she ran to the house, she threw the front doors open and ran all the way up to the roof and looked around, even though it was dark out, the moon gave aph enough light to hopefully see Aaron somewhere on the roof. Soon enough her eyes adjusted to the light and she happend to make out Aarons silhouette in the corner of the pool. She cautiously stared at the pool and noticed that he was at the deep end and she gulped down her pride before silently getting in the pool and tried to swim to Aaron instead of just calling his name out. Before she could even touch the bottom, which she couldnt..she freaked out and accidently shrieked, gaining Aarons attention.

His eyes widened as he swam towards the panicking little aphmau and held her in his arms to keep her afloat. "Aph..what are you doing? know you can't swim that well yet.." he said, staring at her worriedly, "i know but..Aaron..can..can we talk please?.." she asked shyly, at first he was confused but swam to the shallow end and sat aphmau on the steps of the pool as he continued to stand. "What do you want to talk about, aph..?" Aphmau blushed just thinking about it and went silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and speaking..

" know whenever you asked me if i liked someone..?" She said as she fidgeted with her hands and he stared at her confused," pretty you just told me that you liked someone..i..i never asked you.." aphmau shook her head fast and blushed harder. "No asked me if i liked anyone...and i responded with yes..and hes apart of our friend group.." just hearing those words made Aaron feel sad all over again..he already knew it was garroth..he didnt need to know more than hes already heard.."aph..i already know who you like..i heard your confession to garroth.."

Aphmau shook her head again, "Aaron listen to me..! I dont like garroth like that...i froze when he told me how he felt.." she went silent before panicking and blushing as hard as she ever did. Aaron suddenly stared at her more calmly.."then..who do you like if its not garroth..?" Aphmau sat there silently and looked up at Aaron..

"Its you..Aaron.."

-To be continued

Thanks for reading this chapter! See you in the next one!

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