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I was a bit nervous as I had left Garmadon alone while I had run to the store. I had a good idea and wanted to act on it. " Garm?" I shut my front door. I saw a flutter of movement as a blanket propped up, well Garm with a blanket over his head. " What are you doing silly?" I giggled and set my object on the counter, pulling the blanket off. He was holding something in his hand. " What do you have?" " A weak creature." he opened his hand and saw a little moth. " Weak but that doesn't mean they're worthless. They aren't usually in the daylight, come on, there's a shady spot outside under my bird statue"

I lead the big man outside as he set the small moth down. " Happy?" I showed him inside once that was done. " I should have crushed it." " Well...I'm glad you didn't" I pat his back. " Come on, I got you something to help you, direct your feelings" I picked up the object and held it to him. " A plant?" He took it. " Yeah, one just for you. " " What do I..do?" he looked at me confused. " You're talking to a plant mama," I snickered. " you water it, give it some sunshine, weed it, you take care of it, show it love, hell you can name it!" I gestured to the venus flytrap on my window. " I named that one Snappy Mc Snapperson." I giggled as he stared at me. " Care for it." he hummed

" Why do I need to care for it?" " Because you need empathy. Better, empathy than just oh I want to crush this poor baby moth but I won't." " I show you empathy" " You show me mercy-" I laughed nervously as he stared. " Dont you want to be a better person?" " I..." Garm looked at me then the plant. " So, how much water and light does it need" " Did you just avoid the q-" " How. much." " Well," I cleared my throat. " This type needs around 7 hours in the sun and 3 inches a week of water" I estimated. " But I'm not an expert so it might be wrong." I itched my arm. 

Garmadon just stared at the planet weirdly. " It seems so, unimportant." " Rude!" I gasped. " Well not to be rude, but it doesn't seem useful." He grumbled. " Plants have more of an effect than you think. Soon, you'll be like me." I giggled as he stared at my face. " You ok?" " yes, I'm fine." He cleared his throat and set the pot down near the window. " Like that?" " yeah pretty much." I smiled. " I'm gonna refill the bird feeders, don't get caught" I warned as I walked outside. I started to refill the bird feeders as a few birds decided to watch me and sit on my shoulders. " Why hello" I giggled and gave one a seed which took from my hands happily. I hummed as I put the feeder back up. Birds transferred and fed themselves as I did the rest. I felt eyes on me and turned around. 

I saw Garmadon watching from the window in his more human-looking self. I smiled and waved. He closed the curtains and hid from me. I snicker and turned back around and almost screamed. He was now in front of me. " Why do you choose to help these worthless small birds?" He asked. " Ok, I'm not answering why I do what I do every time" I sighed as I fixed a few things. I cleaned the birdbath and changed the water as Garmadon inspected me.

" Are you learning?" I asked as he hummed. " Learning?" " Learning about being caring. These birds do not need my help, yet I still do it because I care for them. I know they appreciate me when they do not fear if I get close or even sit on me. I feed the crows and they leave me gifts. They sing so nicely in my garden almost as a gift for my kindness. And even if they didn't, I still would because-" " it feels nice to be kind?" Garmadon guessed. I smiled, "That's exactly correct Garm. Look at you, so smart" I pat his head which he had to lean down for. He looked at the birds which enjoyed the feeder. " I see."

Later in the evening, as I cooked dinner Garmadon said he was going to leave for a while. "You're going? Are you that made over the plant?" " No. no, just, need to look for something." He looked away. " Well, you better eat first" " Can you pack it?" " Heh, sure" I smiled and put dinner into a container for him. He took it and thanked me. I walked him to the back door. He walked out before looking at me. I smiled, " See you soon Garmadon" I waved but he kept staring. I was confused and even more once he leaned down and kissed my forehead before running off.

I blushed and watched him run off, his tail seemingly wagging before disappearing into the forest. I was confused and heartstruck. " That sly oni" I whispered before having to go inside before my dinner got cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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