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A few days passed and nothing much has happened. Lia left yesterday and I was alone once again. Was I alone? I don't feel alone anymore. Alone was something I took for granted. I slowly poured some milk into my pancake batter. I checked the box and made sure I put enough for 2 pancakes. I sighed and mixed the batter, putting it into the hot pan. I flipped them when they were ready, plating them when they were cooked. I poured some syrup on top and poured myself a glass of orange juice, no pulp.

I sat at my dining table and ate silently, making sure to not get syrup on my dress that fit the cottage aesthetic beautifully. I looked through my phone and checked the activity of my cameras since there was a notification. And what do I see? I saw at 2:50 at night someone was sitting outside my house folding paper and making little animals. I think we all know who it was. Lord Garmadon of course. I finished my pancakes before getting up and checking where he was last night. There were about 40 little paper animals in that area. I picked up a small bunny, flattening my long dress as I sat down, holding it in my hand.

I smiled but I didn't know why. I heard a small rustle in the nearby woods. I looked over and saw red eyes that quickly hid. " L-Lord Garmadon?" I muttered and stood back up. The red eyes returned and stared at me. I slowly walked over. My flats gently stepping on the grass as the skirt of my dress gently brushed against the grass. The red eyes stayed still as I got closer. As I did, I could see the owner of the eyes. It was indeed the villain. He stared down at me and I looked up at him. 

I gulped and held out the small origami bunny, " You made these? They're really good." I had to be friendly. Whether that be out of fear or trust. He hasn't hurt me...Yet. He gently picked up the bunny before sitting down on the grass. He gestured to in front of him. I sat down as he took out two small pieces of paper from I don't even know where. He set the bunny in front of us and handed me a sheet. He showed me how to make a bunny. He didn't speak, but he went slowly so I could repeat what he did.

Mine didn't turn out as pretty as his, but it sort of looked like a bunny. He placed his bunny into my hand and got up. I stood up as well and put the bunnies into my apron that I was still wearing from when I made breakfast. He looked at me, giving a small smile as he turned. I almost didn't notice his smile. He turned away and started to walk. " W-wait!" I followed him. He hummed a small melody as he walked. 

I followed the warrior, confused on how this was the same man that brought Ninjago to its knees. Reaping death wherever he went. The living dead. But yet, he seemed so soft. Folding paper into animals and even showing me how. Now humming a melody that sounded like an old song that mothers put their children to bed with. He moved from humming to singing quietly as he walked farther into the forest. I looked behind me and I didn't recognize that path behind me. I was lost, but not alone.

" We're going pretty far," I muttered as I walked faster as to not get left behind. Garmadon stopped and touched a tree. " What's the matter? Don't know your way back?" He looked back at me, only showing his blood-red eyes. " Well, yeah." I gripped the edge of my apron. He laughed, " Too bad." He started to walk again. " Hey! Wait!" I followed him. " Scared to be alone?" He laughed. I nodded, " Well yeah. I've never really explored the forest." I looked around. " I have. I think, I think I went through Hiroshi's Labyrinth." Lord Garmdon told.

" Isn't that the forest that is so thick, once you're in you never get out?" I asked. He nodded, " I don't remember what happened. Someone was with me. It felt, peaceful in a chaotic setting." He held his head. " You don't remember?" I walked next to him. He shook his head, " I don't understand why my memories are, blurred. I remember when I came back to Ninjago and onwards. But before that? Not really. I know I have a brother, a now ex-wife, and a son." 

He tried hard to concentrate. I looked at him with a deeper understanding. Garmadon before could show mercy, and even though he was a villain, he was sweet to family. Or well, at least his son. But he didn't remember anything. He was probably brainwashed. It wasn't all his fault. " I think we were being chased. Hiding in the labyrinth perhaps? Ugh!" He punched a tree which made me flinch. " It hurts my head to think about it!" He removed his helmet and held his head. His white hair fell elegantly.

His hair reminded me of the man from the bake sale. It was shaped very similarly. But then again, a lot of people have similar hair. " I've never seen you without your helmet," I mention. He put it back on, " No one has." He huffed. " I guess this makes you special." He glanced at me. " You stalking me makes me special." I looked down. He chuckled, " I guess so." I looked up at him. Such a harsh man, but for some reason now, he seems gentle. Is it something with me?

An Inconvenient Attachment x-X-Garmadon X Reader-X-xWhere stories live. Discover now