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I woke up to the feeling of a hand gently rubbing on the skin of my neck. Their nails gently scratching at my skin but not in a painful way. It felt comforting and relaxing. The hand moved from rubbing my neck to stroking my hair from time to time. I knew who it was. My head was still on their lap. " I know you're awake." His deep voice caused me to open my eyes. " Dammit." I giggled as he moved his hand away. 

I sat up, " Thanks for letting me sleep in your lap." I smiled at him. " It is whatever. Come on, we must continue." Lord Garmadon stood up. " Shouldn't we turn back? I mean, if we get to my house I can make us some food." I smiled more at the thought of food. I was very hungry. " Food is obsolete." He walked away. I got up and followed him. " Just because you are used to fasting or just going without food doesn't mean I am." " You complain too much." He groaned. " Stay here." He ran off. I stayed put and sat down. 

It was 10 minutes and I was sure he just left me. " I'm gonna be lost forever." I frowned. I gripped the fabric of my dress before I felt something hit my head. " Ow!" I look up to see Garmadon holding a makeshift basket that held some different fruits. I smiled and stood up, " I thought you left me!" He rolled his eyes and handed me the basket. " No idiot. They're all edible by the way." He started to walk off and I followed. " Thank you Garmadon."

I held the basket that still had some fruit left in it. I had eaten a few and kept offering Garmadon some, but he wouldn't bite. I made sure to only eat enough to satisfy my hunger. " Where are we going?" I asked Lord Garmadon. " I never had a destination." He answered. " You always seem to be at my house." Garmadon huffed and stayed silent. " You don't talk a lot" " I don't have a reason to." " Do you remember anything?" " How annoying you are." " That hurts Garmadon." " Good." Lord Garmadon put his bottom set of arms behind his back. 

" Old man, you gotta support your back." I laughed. He turned his head to tell me to shut up but gasped. He grabbed my arm and pulled me forward, now running. I gasped as well and dropped the basket of fruit. I tried to keep up but tripped over my dress. He picked me up and held me bridal style, pushing my head into his chest. I blushed and asked what was going on. " They're looking for you. I can't have them see you." He told me as he ran.

I held onto him as panic rushed through my body. He climbed up a tree and sat in the thick leaves. I was in between his legs and laying on his chest. He covered my mouth and looked through the leaves. " I thought I saw him go this way!" A police officer pointed forward. " Are you sure you even saw Lord Garmadon? I mean, why would he have a basket of fruit?" Another asked. " It was the missing girl's basket! That's what!" The first one answered.

I held my breath so I didn't give us away. Lord Garmadon looked at him, his blood-red eyes staring into mine. " Don't speak." He said quietly. He looked back through the leaves, pushing them slightly to get a better look. The sound of the leaves moving alerted an officer, " There he is!" They shouted. " Cover your ears and close your eyes." He said to me and jumped down the tree. I plugged my ears and closed my eyes. Even though I had my ears covered, it didn't completely mask the sound of two adult men screaming, pleading for mercy as Lord Garmadon showed them none.

I should have remembered who Lord Garmadon really is. A merciless oni warlord who lets no one get in his way. The screams died down and I felt arms picked me up. I didnt move, keeping my eyes shut and ears plugged. " (Y/n). Its me." Garmadon pulled my hands away from my head. I opened my eyes to see his black face with a bit of smeared blood on it. He set me down and put his hand on my back, ushering me forward. " Dont turn around." He told me.

I gulped and looked down at my dress. The fabric now was stained with red handprints from Garmadon's bloody claws. " Walk." Garmadon grabbed my arm and pulled me forward. Terrified, I complied. I should have never followed him. He is a villain not a friend. We walked in silence as he kept his grip on my arm. He glanced back at me, his expression softened seeing my scared expression. He didnt know why he felt bad. But he did. Did he feel bad for scaring me? Why did he feel bad.

" (Y/n)." He spoke. I flinched when he did. He stopped walking, turning to face me. I took a step back, his hand gliding off my arm. " I will not hurt you." He placed his hand onto my cheek, a bit of blood now coating my cheek in a thin layer. " If you are my reason to survive, then why should I rid of you? I see you less of a prey, and more of...A friend." I looked up at him with a surprised expression. " F-friend?" He sighed, " Yes. Dont get too cocky over it." He took his hand away wiped away the blood with his sleeve. " They called for back up. They will be looking for you. Its best we part ways. But not here." He held out his hand. " Not here."

An Inconvenient Attachment x-X-Garmadon X Reader-X-xWhere stories live. Discover now