Chapter 12- Mission Simulation

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A/N: HI FRIENDS. So, my apologies for not updating in forever. I just wanted to let you know that I have edited (sort of) the first chapter and it's worth a read. Basically, I cut out Dani killing off Marcus, because with this new Giselle story line on the show, it doesn't make sense for Dani to kill Marcus. So yeah, I edited that. Otherwise, everything is basically the same. Have fun reading!

Chapter 12- Mission Simulation

Adam and Chase's teams were training to see who had progressed more. Adam's team did great where as Chase's team...well, to put it kindly, they had no organization and Chase was being bossy instead of being a leader.

I sighed as Davenport gave them a big F. Chase obviously wasn't happy about this, but he needs to learn that he can't just control everyone.

They moved on to the next challenge and this time it was diffusing a bomb in under 60 seconds. It went horribly. Adam won yet again and Chase lost by putting too much pressure on his team.

It was really a bad day for him but I decided to walk around the island and get some sun before going back to the training room. In there was Chase and his team and they were practicing.

One of his students threw a punch and the other blocked it. Chase suddenly spoke up. "Wrong! Wrong, terrible. Do it again." I rolled my eyes.

"Chase," I said, motioning for him to walk over and he did. "Did you ever think you might be losing the challenges because you might be going about it all wrong?"

Chase looked away for a moment and looked back at me. "No."

"You're reprimanding them, not teaching them. Maybe you should try a new method. Maybe teamwork, like Adam did." I said, my hand resting on his arm. I knew he would listen to me if there was contact between us.

"It's Professor Adam," said boy put on a pair of round glasses that made him look like Harry Potter.

"Adam, you're not a professor. And for the last time, you are not a better teacher than I am!" Chase said.

"Do you not see the glasses?" Adam asked.

I rolled my eyes but returned to Chase. "My point is, you may get a better response from your team if you let them have a voice."

Chase laughed like it was funny. He noticed my solemn face and stopped laughing. "Wait, you're serious?"

I nodded. "You have another test for your team to prove themselves, which means one more test for you to prove yourself. Teach them, Chase. Teach them what it's like to use their brains and be leaders on their own. You can't continue to boss them around. Now I have to go, Douglas wants me for something. I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek.

"Bye," he said as I walked out, his arms crossed over his chest.

I sighed and leaned up against a wall, taking a deep breath.

"Boy troubles?" Douglas asked, making me jump. I nodded. "Ah, he'll get over it."

"No, Adam is beating him in the challenges," I told him.

"Yikes," Douglas said. I nodded. "Yeah, he's a ticking bomb."

"So, besides Chase, what did you need me for?" I cocked my head to the side, arms crossed.

"I thought we could work on personalizing your mission suit and stuff like that," Douglas suggested, shrugging.

I raised an eyebrow. "Is this your way of saying you want to have Daddy-and-Me time?" Douglas shrugged again and I sighed. "Alright, fine."


Later that day, we had customized my suit, fixed up an old motorcycle, created some useful inventions to help Bree with her mess problem and scrolled the Internet looking at cute animals. Then we headed into the training room to see how the challenge went. Chase was jumping up and down and so was his team...the exact same way.

"Chase Davenport!!!" I exclaimed, stomping my foot. His eyes widened and they all stopped moving.
"How dare you cheat!"

"I-I didn't!" he tried to counter, but I knew the truth.

"Don't you dare give me that lie! You used your override app on your team!" I shook my head, my anger not going away but instead being replaced with disappointment. "I was so hoping you'd do the right thing."

Chase bit his lip. "Dani..."

I shook my head. "No, Chase. You cheated. You disappointed me. You disappointed Mr. Davenport and even your own team. Don't you think they would have been able to do the challenge by themselves? They're smart enough to!"

"I-I guess I just got carried away," he mumbled.

"So what did you learn today?" I asked him.

"If I'm going to use my override app, then make sure that I can control people with how I'm thinking instead of movement and if that doesn't work, turn it off as soon as I can." Chase said honestly.

"That's my boy!" Douglas exclaimed and I shoved his shoulder, making him shut up. I turned my back on Chase and walked out of the room, giving Mr. Davenport time to talk to him. I was extremely disappointed in his behavior.

When I walked back in, Adam and Chase were punching each other. "Whoa, what's going on here?"

"Adam's controlling me and won't stop punching me!!!" Chase exclaimed.

I sighed and used my override app to stop Adam. I released him and he released Chase. Said boy sighed in relief and rubbed his arm. I pulled both of them to the infirmary, giving them ice packs.

"I really don't understand you two, but I'm going to pretend I do," I told them, my arms crossed over my chest as they sat on the counter in the kitchen.

"Well Adam and I-" Chase started but I cut him off.

"Chase, sweetie, I really don't care."

Adam chuckled and Chase rolled his eyes. I smiled slightly.

"Will you two ever be able to act nice? You're always beating each other up. Just one day I'd like you to be completely nice to each other, no exceptions. No fighting, none of it. Can you do that?"

The two of them looked at each other, shrugged, and then agreed. I smiled brightly and walked away, feeling happy about it.

"Dani, wait!" Chase yelled after me.

I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to catch up.

"Dani, I'm sorry, I really am. I should have listened to you and I shouldn't have cheated. I know now that I have to trust my team and not only myself. I'm sorry." He gave me his sad eyes and I wanted to melt into him but stood my ground.

"Chase, I'm glad you're apologizing, but you need to apologize to your team, not me. I appreciate the apology, really I do. And the reason I was so upset about it was because a relationship is a two way street, we have to trust each other, and I don't want to turn into just another pawn in your game."

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