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It was Saturday and our second concert with Adam was about to happen in about six hours.
I was having a nervous panic attack, and was on the brink of pissing myself. " Girl. You need to calm down." says Tommy.
" Calm down, hon, there is no calming down right now. I am about to preform with Adam Lambert." I had lost it at that point. Adam walked into the room at that moment and seen me freaking out, "Can everyone leave for a minute, except you." He said as he pointed to me.
I looked at him sort of on fear. When every one cleared the room he pulled up a chair up next to me and started to say " Look i know your scared about performing with me but you aren't helping yourself be getting yourself wound up."
"Part of my brain knows that but the other half is telling he to panic like crazy." I said
"Ok lets try something that helped me when I was about to go on stage for the first time. Now it may make you need the bathroom later but for some reason it worked."
"What did you do?"
"I drank a bottle of water at the end of every song. i don't know how it helped with my nerves it just did."
"Ok i will try it but i have to warn you i have a small bladder."
"Haha ok then. Go get ready and i will see you then."
I walked to the dressing room were Camila was getting her tight jeggings on. "Wow girl only you can make putting on jeggings sexy." She gave me a smirk.
"You never stop amazing me."
"Are you ready?" i asked her
"Are you kidding me i was born ready."

"Five minutes." Monte shouted a little while later.
Adam came in the room with a cute smile on his face. "Alright. My Glambert's on three." he said as he put his had in front of his body every one pilled there hand on his and shouted
"One. Two. Three. My Glambert's!!!!!"
The crowed was screaming and shouting out Adams name it made a cold chill run over my body. I can do this i told myself, trying to keep calm, it was working slowly. We walked onto the stage and began waving vigorously to the crowd that screamed excitedly, Adam walked to the microphone
"How is every body?!" He shouted to every one through it "Are you ready to have a good time." they shouted in reply "Ya thats right." he introduced us to the audience as his new band and the show went of with out a single mistake.

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