87 next week

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I jumped when I saw Jason in the corner of our room.

Andy was completely knocked out and snoring lightly next to me I felt my heart race.

Jason had red glowing eyes while staring at me I suddenly felt like I wanted to shit myself.

I couldn't breathe or more Andy stirred in his sleep but he didn't wake up.

I felt completely helpless and powerless because I couldn't move or speak or do anything.

All of the guys were sleeping and I couldn't scream or breathe I suddenly felt like I was gonna die next to Andy.

Suddenly two more people with glowing eyes appeared next to Jason.

He smiled and said Caleb and James I felt like I wanted to cry scream and throw up all at the same time.

I hit Andy and said wake up he shuffled but stayed asleep I hit him again.

Andy said Elle babe go to sleep I mumbled Jason he shot up and saw Jason and his gang.

He instantly got out of bed and Jason and his gang disappeared quickly Andy yelled FUCK.

I jumped Andy looked at me and ran over to me and said are you ok Elle.

I felt my eyes watering but shook my head he gave me a hug and kissed my head.

The guys ran into our room and turned on the lights and I groaned fuckkkk.

The guys were freaking out and said whats going on Andy pulled back and said Jason Caleb and fucking James were in our room.

The guys looked extremely pissed off and closed their eyes and disappeared I looked at Andy and he smiled and stayed next to me.

Andy moved the blanket off of me and saw how bad I was shaking slightly.

Andy said Elle baby I bit my lip and started feeling slightly anxious he moved the blanket back.

Andy climbed into bed and pulled me closer and he kissed my head and heled me against his chest.

He tried to comfort me by rubbing my back and scratching my head and I instantly started calming down.

He kissed my head and said are you feeling better I said definitely he smiled and said good I'm glad.

I layed down and got comfortable against his chest and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Andy got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later after he knew I was ok and asleep.

A little while later the guys came back and they turned off our light then headed into their rooms and went to bed for the night.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

After I finished checking my notifications then I headed downstairs and headed into the kitchen and cooked breakfast for everyone.

A little while later the guys came downstairs and went into the kitchen and watched me cook breakfast.

Cc made coffee and I smiled and said thanks a little while later I finished cooking breakfast and gave everyone food.

An hour later Andy came downstairs and came into the kitchen and ate breakfast after I handed him a plate.

I did the dishes then headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and waited for the guys to come in the living room.

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