The letter

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Hey guys sorry this is a really short chapter just because I didn't have a lot of time to write.

The letter said...

To whomever is in charge I have sent this note with my little sister. I don't have much time to explain. My name is Kate death wing and I am Death. The rebellion in 13 is not the only group trying to stop the capitol. My men and women will meet you at your camps outside the borders. They will help lead you through the city. I know what this may look like considering the last few years of playing Snows perfect daughter. I had to make sure that he would never fully succeed to the best of my ability in the capitol. Whoever reads this tell Gale, Finnick, Katniss and Celestia I'm sorry but I have no other choice. Someone needs to stop snow. I don't know when I will put my plan into action, but he has a machine along with a secret passage that even I don't have access to. I fear there is something more dangerous than we could ever imagine.

Gale looked at the note in shock. What was Kate planning. He hadn't seen her in forever, but after reading this he wasn't so sure that he ever would again.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Boggs shakes his shoulder.
" Hey what have you got there soldier?" Boggs said while motioning to the the piece of paper in his hand.

Gale silently passed it over.
Boggs eyes widened and his expression turned to concern.
A few hours later.

The Victors plus Gale were brought to the meeting room about the Letter.

Death - Finnick OdairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon