Hello mother

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"Hello mother," Kate said coldly as Edith looked at the girl in disbelief.

"H-how did you get this?" Edith questioned shock still evident in her voice.

" My father gave it to me for my ninth birthday. The day before he died. All thanks to you and your lover." Edith could see the hatred that her daughter who was somehow alive had for her.

" Kate how are you alive I I watched you die?" Edith said, her voice was still shaky.

" Oh, now you care right? You never seemed to give a damn when I first went into the arena. You know when I was called, I was hoping my mother would help me since she had won the games in the past. But oh, how I was wrong. As for how I'm still breathing no thanks to you. Well, that was the work of my new father the man who took me in and took care of me since I was twelve since my mother was a self-absorbed bitch. He was the one who cared. After I found out you were my mother and that you were still alive. I used to think I wasn't good enough, and that if I won even though my biological father was gone, I'd be good enough, but clearly not. The whole death thing was staged during the interview."

" Why?" Edith questioned with tears in her eyes.

" So, I could get back at you once and for all." Kate said calmly all while advancing on her target.

"How did you find out Kate?" Edith question fear evident in her voice as she stepped backwards.

"When I saw you and Dad fighting when I was 8 in the middle of the night over when you tried to take me away so that I could live with you and mark. When I was 9 you had your chance to what you wanted to that night, but you didn't. Why not? Was I not good enough? DID YOU EVER CARE ABOUT ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?" Kate finished to off yelling, tears streaming down her face.

Edith didn't know what to say. The two stood in a tense silence waiting for one to speak.

Edith took a deep breath looking at her daughter. She changed the subject.

"Why did you make a deal with Snow. He's a terrible person. He's a monster." Edith said this knowing she was going to die anyway.

"You don't get to talk about him like that. He was the one who was there. He was the one who cared while you just abandoned me for your side lover. You left dad. All your doing Edith is digging yourself deeper."
Kate said this while slowly advancing. Finally, she was standing right in front of her. She leaned her head down and whispered in her mother's ear.

"I just hope it was all worth it." Kate stabbed her mother through the heart with her dagger.

Edith was gasping for air choking on her own blood. Kate dropped her to the ground and said," Your lover boys next." Kate turned back around and started her search for Mark as her mother lay dying. Then there was the sound of the Cannon which was music to her ears.

The people in the Capitol sat shocked at the new revelation of the now living Kate Deathwing. People loved Katherine Snow, but to know that the legend from 6 years ago what still alive was shocking.

The districts sat in shock as they watched the screen. They didn't know what to think. She was supposed to be the one to stop Snows reign before she 'died.' But the person who sat in most shock was a 14-year-old boy by the name of Jason Roberts.

He is going to be portrayed by Jared Gilmore at the age of 14. look it up and say down in the comments if you know what show he's from.

Everyone in district 5 looked at him with pity. Why, you may wonder?  He just watched his older sister who was suddenly alive kill his mother and was now going to kill his father.

Jason didn't know what to think, he was sucked into his memory's from when he was younger. Remembering how he told his parents about wanting a sibling when he was four. They told him he had an older sister named Kate. After he heard about her, he wanted to meet her. The funny thing was after watching how Kate talked to his mother with such anger, It was clear his mother lied and knew nothing about his sister.

He sat in silence, thinking about what his sister said. If what she said was true, he couldn't blame her for her reaction.

What he really worried about was,' would she hate him for what his parents did.'

Death - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now