Training Part 2

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Katherine and Katniss had separated after talking to the two scientists. Katherine walked over to the paint station and talked to the District 6 victors.
She was surprised that they talked to her at all, but her main focus was to stay away from her old mentors. In the middle of her conversation with the morphlings she heard," Katherine!"
Some of the other victors surprised that the girl on fire was calling the presidents daughter, especially since Katniss was so unapproachable in the first place.
Katherine politely excused herself and cautiously walked over to her best friend.
The victors around them watched, full of curiosity.
"Yeah is something wrong Katniss?" Katniss quickly shook her head and grabber her best friends wrist dragging her over to the weapons stand.
Katherine knew where this was going and she didn't't like it one bit, she started dragging her feet on the floor as her stomach dropped.
She was Kate Deathwing or as people all around Panem called her Death, but that didn't mean she was invincible or didn't have panic attacks once in a while from her PTSD.
Katniss stopped in front of the stand with Mags following close behind along with the eyes of the other victors.
Katniss grabbed a pair of heels that she had Kane put under his stand and brought them over.
The people around them watched the two girls, some confused while others amused at the scene in front of them.
" Katniss no, no not happening." Katherine denied immediately.
" Come on Katherine they are looking at you like a new toy they can rip apart. Your partner to but who cares about him. So you know what put on your damn heels because we both know that they somehow make you quieter and deadlier. Use what Gale taught you with those daggers and get your ass into the training simulation with me."
Katniss made sure there was no room for discussion and Katherine hated it.
She huffed and put the shoes on and grabbed a set of daggers and looked at her best friend and asked sarcastically," Happy?"
Katniss smirked and said," Very."
The two walked into the room. The two girls were to focused on each other to notice the victors around had gathered at the entrance. The last thing people heard was Katniss saying," their just animals nothing more."
The simulation had begun the two girls standing back to back looking fierce and ready for anything.

As a hologram with a sword came from the left Katniss shot it. Then another appeared on the ledge and Katniss wiped around. One appeared close behind Katniss and Katherine moved quickly and slid between it's legs and stabbed it from behind, but what surprised her was how solid it felt. Before Katniss could shoot at one throwing a spear Katherine ran and jumped wrapping her legs around it's neck stabbed it through the eye. One by one they took the holograms out.
But about halfway through the room seemed to disappear to Katherine, but she didn't feel like her staged personality anymore. The room looked like a forest one she's been to before.
She felt as if she was losing all her common sense as it dissolved again and she was on top of the mountain again. She saw it happen all over again, Connors body was lying on the ground headless. The boy from 7 standing over him.
The fury filled her as it did that day. But then she was in the room again fighting the holograms. She fought off the confusion. Luckily no one had noticed or so she thought.

Johanna, Mags and Finnick shared a look especially since the fighting style was familiar.

Katniss and Katherine kept fighting and as the holograms came they kept morphing in the people she killed. It was like they were begging her to feel guilt but she felt none.
The two girls stood in the middle of the room breathing heavily. They both snapped out of their dazes when they heard clapping.
The two girls looked towards the sound and saw Wiress clapping with a smile on her face.
Katherine gave her friend a nod in appreciation and went to put her daggers back. She was silent as the other victors watched her in shock most thought she was like her father.
It was time for lunch and the victors pushed tables together. Caspian kept his distance since he thought the victors were avoiding him because of her. But they were really avoiding him.

Through the morning of training Caspian had managed to gloat about how he was going to win the Hunger games. He had managed to tick off every victor.
Kate felt offended that he set himself on some sort of pedestal.

She had a hard time not losing her cool and kept acting like her Katherine facade.
She was so absorbed into her thoughts until she felt two arms swing around her shoulders from both sides. She snapped out of her daze in line and saw it was Finnick and Johanna.

She would be lying if she said the pair hadn't grown on her a little over the time they spent together in the morning.
She raised an eyebrow and asked," Yes?"

With the two victors on her shoulders she made her way to and empty table not wanting to sit with Caspian.
The two victors stopped her and started guiding her to the victors table.
Finnick said as he helped turn her the other way," uh-uh nope your sitting with us."
Kate tried to slow them down and said with uncertainty in her voice," I'm not a victor."
She had to admit it was poor excuse especially since it wasn't true in the slightest.
This was when Johanna budded in," To bad blonde-y your sitting with us, plus you showed up some of the victors during your little show with fire girl. Most were impressed especially since your from the capitol. Victors usually hate the capitol but you seem to be the exception."
Kate could hear that there was something behind her words but dismissed it for the time being.
As the trio arrived the other victors greeted her as if she was one of their own. Even the careers. She noticed that mark and Edith weren't there but she didn't mind one bit.
A few minutes later the group was talking and laughing as if they weren't going to fight each other to the death soon.
Peeta approached the table and greeted a few victors and then he turned to Katherine and said," um, Katniss is being stubborn and I can't get her over here. Any chance you can convince her?"
The victors looked confused on why Peeta would ask Katherine of all people to help, they know they fought together for training but that's it right?"
They watched as Katherine laughed and said," just tell her if she doesn't get over here in the next five minutes I'll start talking about winter ravage day 3. She'll come."
A few minutes later Katniss came over glaring at Katherine and sat next to her.
Katherine just smirked in return.
Finnick was confused and he wasn't the only one.
" Did you two know each other before this?"
"Yep, met each other after the big reveal about my existence. Went from district to district. We met in a meadow, well more like I met her.. cousin and we've been friends ever since. Not that my father knew he would have had my head on a plater to serve at one of his ridiculous partys." She said the last sentence with a roll of her eyes.
Katherine talked more about how being the presidents perfect daughter wasn't all sunshine and flowers.
The victors were shocked, even though Katherine didn't give a lot of information.
The group talked enjoying their lunch break until the bell rang for training.
That's how the next few days went until it was time to get their training scores.

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