The arena and separation.

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Kate heard Katniss yell," Peeta NO!"
The group was blasted back by the force field. Everything was fuzzy for a minute until she saw the distress on her friends face as she leaned over trying wake up Peeta.

Kate quickly gathered her bearings and scrambled over to pull Katniss off Peeta. Finnick beat her to it by shoving the 17 year old girl off. Kate grabbed Katniss's arms to stop her from grabbing her bow. Katniss struggles for a minute until she saw Finnick helping.

Katniss was crying, while finnick was urging the boy to wake. Kate sat indifferent, she just thought of Peeta as another obstacle in her way to revenge.

Kate zoned out after Peeta woke up. Finnick shook her out of it. She turned to him and then looked over to Katniss and Peeta and saw them kissing. It went on for a while and she had enough.

"Let's move love birds we have to get moving."

After Katniss got off she asked," Can you walk?"
He nodded in reply. Kate thought to herself moving slowly is better than not at all. The lovers were hugging for a while. Kate started to wonder what was going on with her 'father' and her little sister.

Snows mansion

Snow looked at the screen analyzing the mockingjays every move. He watched as his daughter was going along with the plan the two had planned out.

Celestia was watching her big sister and the two lovers. She wanted a love like she saw on screen, the perfect romance.

She turned to her grandfather and said," Some day I want to love someone that much."

He smiled and turned to face her saying," So you shall my darling, so you shall."

"Will Katherine be okay grandfather?"

"Katherine is a snow my darling, she's a legend she be back her before you know it."

Celestia giggled. As confident as snow seemed he was to sure, but he hoped he was right.

Back in the jungle.

The group kept moving throwing nuts and rocks from the ground at the force field to their left.

"Hold on," Katniss said.
Kate turned to watch her climb up one of the trees. The group sat in silence until she came back down.

"The force field, it's a dome. We're at the edge of the arena. I couldn't find fresh water." Katniss said.

The group showed signs of disappointment. Without water they wouldn't survive long.

Kate looked around trying to think of something for fresh water.

As she turned back to the group, she saw finnick squatting down. He said," It's going to be dark soon. We'll be sage with our backs protected. We should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take first watch." Kate looked to Katniss knowing she would try to fight it. Before Kate could stop her she said," Not a chance."

Finnick stood up and said ,"Honey,, that thing I did back there for Peeta? That's called saving his life. If I wanted to kill either of you, I would've done it by now."

As Finnick said this he looked quite intimidating. Kat watched as everyone cooled down. Kate looked at the two still awake and went to sit down and get some sleep.

She was soon awoken by the anthem. She watched at her enemy's appeared in the sky. It's not that she wanted to be uncaring, but all she saw was another obstacle out of her way.

She was snapped out of her dazed as Katniss said that they had water. After everyone finished she got some for herself.

She went back to sleep. After making sure Katniss or finnick didn't want her to take watch.

She was later woken up by Katniss screaming. Kate quickly scrambled looking for an attack but only saw a strange fog that Katniss was running from. She knew she shouldn't of let her guard down.

She grabbed her stuff quickly as Katniss yelled," The fog, the fog is poison!" The group got up and started running for their lives. Mags quickly got on finnicks back and they ran as fast as they could. They all tried to kept within sight of each other.

Dodging the fog surrounding them cutting them off from the side exits. The group got split up while running. Kate by herself. Finnick and Mags. Peeta and Katniss.

They kept running, as Kate was running she heard screaming in the distance, it was katniss's. Kate was trying to push a large branch out of her way. In the process the fog had caught up with her. She screamed in agony as the fogged started to surround her. She finally pushed the branch away as the bubbles started to surface. She stumbled as she ran. She finally tripped over a branch and onto the ground. She was about to start crawling away. But the fog stopped and went floating up towards the sky.

She then heard two cannons go off.

Kate's heart was pounding in her chest as she laid on the ground withering in pain.

All of a sudden she heard the sound of a parachute. She looked up. It landed next to her. She opened it up to see what was inside. She saw ointment and a note.

It's time.

She knew her father had a big surprise coming her way, it was only a matter of time.

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